You Really Are What You Eat
The last time you looked in the mirror, you probably did not look like a hamburger, broccoli, a bowl of soup, a slice of pizza and a piece of chocolate candy. But in a way, you are all these things. That’s because the food you eat really and truly does turn into you. That means skin, bones, brain, blood, muscles and nerves. Now that’s amazing!
What Happens to Food After You Swallow It?
Food slides down a tube called your esophagus. First it visits your stomach. Then it moves on to your small intestine. In both places, special juices break down the food into very tiny particles called nutrients. The nutrients are so small they can enter your blood stream. Your blood takes them to every part of your body to feed its 100 trillion hungry cells.
Why Do Body Cells Crave Nutrients?
Your body cells use nutrients from the food you eat to carry out big jobs in your body. Carbohydrates give you energy so you can blink your eyes, bounce a ball or mow the lawn. Protein helps fix old, worn-out cells and make new cells so people can say, “My, how you’ve grown!”
All nutrients belong to one of these groups:
Why Are There So Many Different Nutrients?
Different kinds of cells make up different parts of your body. They need different nutrients to do their different jobs. A team of about 50 nutrients works together to keep you looking and feeling your best. Protein helps build and repair your cells. Carbohydrate provides energy to work and play. Vitamin A helps your skin stay healthy and helps your eyes be able to see in the dark. Vitamin C helps your cuts and scrapes heal.
Does Any Food Have Every Nutrient?
No single food has all the nutrients in the amount people need. That’s why we need to eat many different kinds of food every day.
What If I Don’t Eat the Nutrients My Body Needs?
You probably won’t have lots of energy. You might not have healthy skin, hair and nails. You may get sick. And getting better may take longer.