Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Donning and Doffing Guidelines for On-Site Animal Disease Outbreaks
(V2242, June 2024)“Select Animal Disease Personal Protective Equipment Chart” (NDSU Extension V2129) contains minimum PPE recommendations for specific diseases. The following are guidelines to use for donning and doffing that PPE. You may need to follow additional procedures depending on the specific situation. Your vehicle should always be free of organic debris so you are not transferring organisms from one site to another. Prior to arrival on site, disinfect vehicle tires. Refer to “Select Animal Disease Disinfectant Chart” (NDSU Extension V2128) for disinfectant options. Designate a line of separation between the clean (disease free) location and the dirty (diseased) location. This line of separation can be a physical object or an imaginary line. This line will help you be aware of your movement and actions when it comes to potential disease transfer. As you don (apply) your PPE, you will step across the line of separation. Potentially contaminated or dirty items must be disinfected before returning to the clean side. Disinfecting will occur during the doffing (removal) process.