
Staying Well: Exploring the Dimensions of Well-Being

(FN2246 Reviewed August 2024)

Staying well includes multiple dimensions of well-being. Well-being is the presence of positive emotions and moods, the absence of negative emotions, satisfaction with life, fulfillment and positive functioning. The eight dimensions of well-being are physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, environmental, financial and vocational. How are you doing in achieving the dimensions of well-being?

Lead Author
Lead Author:
Julie Garden-Robinson, Ph.D., R.D., L.R.D., Professor and Food and Nutrition Specialist
Other Authors

Josie Schafer, Graduate Student 

Sherri Nordstrom Stastny, Ph.D., R.D., L.R.D., C.S.S.D., Professor

Web only
Publication Sections

1. Physical

Mark the boxes where you are making progress:

  • Caring for your body to stay healthy now and in the future
  • Striving for an overall nutrient-dense diet
  • Limiting intake of added sugars
  • Limiting intake of trans fats and saturated fats
  • Limiting sodium
  • Limiting or avoiding alcohol
  • Aiming to achieve 150 minutes of moderate physical activity OR 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week plus two days of strength training
  • Other _______________________________________________________________________

The physical dimension is caring for your body to stay healthy now and in the future. Strive for a nutrient-dense diet, while limiting intake of added sugars, trans fats, saturated fats and alcohol. Additionally, try to achieve 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week OR 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week plus two days of strength training.

Have you tried the MyPlate method? This method helps you prioritize portion sizes to better manage weight. More information on this method is found at www.myplate.gov.

2. Intellectual

Mark the boxes where you are making progress:

  • Growing intellectually by taking a class
  • Maintaining curiosity about all there is to learn
  • Valuing lifelong learning
  • Incorporating intellectual skills like crossword puzzles, educational courses, reading and more
  • Other ________________________________________________________________________

The intellectual dimension focuses on growing intellectually, maintaining curiosity about all there is to learn, valuing lifelong learning and responding positively to intellectual changes. How can you incorporate intellectual skills throughout the day? Try completing crossword puzzles, taking educational courses, reading, playing an instrument, learning a new language, teaching others, crafting, writing and more.

3. Emotional

Mark the boxes where you are making progress:

  • Understanding and respecting your feelings, values and attitudes
  • Appreciating the feelings of others
  • Managing your emotions in a constructive way
  • Feeling positive and enthusiastic about
    your life
  • Other _______________________________________________

If you marked any of the boxes above, you are making great progress in the emotional dimension of well-being. Additionally, emotional resilience is an important skill to have. Emotional resilience means to bounce back quickly from negative thoughts and emotions.

4. Social

Mark the boxes where you are making progress:

  • Maintaining healthy relationships
  • Enjoying being with others and caring about others
  • Developing friendships
  • Letting others care about you
  • Other ______________________________________________

The social dimension of well-being focuses on relationships with others. Did you check any of the boxes above? If you did, you are working toward improved social well-being. Social connections can be built in your circle of family and friends by incorporating healthy habits into your interactions. Try going for a walk, finding a workout class, cooking a meal or shopping for groceries with a friend. Social connections help to promote purpose and meaning in life.

5. Spiritual

Mark the boxes where you are making progress:

  • Finding purpose, value and meaning in your life with or without an organized religion
  • Being mindful of your external and internal environment
  • Other ______________________________________________

The spiritual dimension of well-being focuses on finding purpose, value and meaning in your life with or without an organized religion. Being mindful is a component of spiritual well-being. Being mindful means maintaining moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings and external environment. You can practice being mindful by being completely aware of what is around you and inside of you. Mindfulness can be practiced by deep breathing. Practice breathing in through your nose for four seconds, holding for one second and exhaling through your mouth for five seconds. Repeat often.

6. Environmental

Mark the boxes where you are making progress:

  • Understanding how your social, natural and built environments affect your health
  • Being aware of the unstable state of the Earth and the effects of your daily habits
  • Demonstrating a commitment to a healthy planet
  • Spending time outside
  • Living sustainably
  • Other ________________________________________________

The environmental dimension of well-being focuses on the environment’s effect on your health and well-being. All environments (social, natural and built) are considered. Being aware of the unstable state of the Earth and how your daily habits affect the physical environment help you grow in environmental well-being. Try spending more time outside and living sustainably as a way to work on environmental well-being.

7. Financial

Mark the boxes where you are making progress:

  • Managing your resources to live within your means
  • Making informed financial decisions and investments
  • Being aware of potential financial fraud and scams
  • Setting realistic financial goals
  • Preparing for short-term and long-term needs/emergencies financially
  • Creating a household budget
  • Looking for deals and discounts when shopping
  • Other ________________________________________________________________________

All of the above actions work to improve your financial well-being. By performing these actions, you are taking the right steps toward financial progress. Do your best to create a budget while living within your means. Next time you shop, look for deals and discounts.

8. Vocational

Mark the boxes where you are making progress:

  • Preparing for and participating in work that provides personal satisfaction and life enrichment
  • Considering volunteer opportunities in your community such as at animal shelters, preschools, etc.
  • Leading service activities, including making toys or blankets, raising money, etc.
  • Other _______________________________________________

The vocational dimension focuses on work that is meaningful and satisfactory, and aligns with your values, goals and lifestyle, whether you are working for pay or volunteering. Contributing your unique gifts, skills and talents to work is rewarding and improves your vocational well-being.

Consider volunteer opportunities in your community to utilize your skills and share personal gifts with others. For example, help a child learn how to read books or music, deliver groceries or mail for a neighbor, put your painting skills to work or reach out to Habitat for Humanity.

Practice setting one or two SMART goals for one or more of the dimensions of wellbeing. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Example: Starting today, I will incorporate the MyPlate method into my meals daily to watch my portion sizes to manage weight.