You can control your financial situation if you plan carefully.
■ Communicate with your family. Together, analyze what is important and decide on a plan of action.
■ Examine your expenses. Be prepared to change your standard of living so you don’t have to give up essentials.
■ Don’t default on payments. Contact your creditors, explain your situation and work with them to adjust.
■ Begin to make plans for the future.
Communication is a family affair. Many people try to hide financial problems from themselves or family members. Hiding financial difficulties from the rest of the family for long is nearly impossible, and it’s not emotionally healthy. Not facing up to problems prevents you from taking positive steps forward.
Because financial decisions affect the whole family, talk to others about the present situation. Let them know about the need to change spending priorities. Involve all family members, regardless of their ages. Include your family decisions that must be made. As a family, discuss how income is spent, what is important and what is not so important. What must the family have in the next week? In the next month? In the next the next two months?
Don’t burden family members with unnecessary worry, but do involve them; they may offer solutions or ideas not yet mentioned. Actively listen to gain a full understanding.
When Prices Rise: Living on Your Income was originally authored by Debra Pankow, Family Economics Specialist, North Dakota State University and Elizabeth Gorham, Extension Family Resource Management Specialist, South Dakota State University, 2008.