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NDSU Extension

Cinnamon Banana Pancakes

Recipe Type

Wake up to these sweet and fluffy pancakes to start your morning right.



  • 2 large bananas, ripe to overripe
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ cup skim milk or almond milk
  • 1 cup whole-wheat flour
  • Maple syrup or fruit to serve


In a bowl, add bananas. Lightly mash with a potato masher or a fork, but not too much. Leave small chunks of bananas to make fluffy pancakes Add all remaining ingredients to banana mixture, mixing well. In a frying pan, cook pancakes over a medium-low heat. Use ½ cup of batter for each pancake and flip once edges get bubbly.

Dietary and Nutrition


Whole grains are made from the entire kernel and include the germ, bran and endosperm. Refined grains are milled so the germ and bran are removed. Refined grain products include white bread, white flour and white rice.

Fiber is not always added back to refined products. Fiber is found naturally in whole grains. Fiber fills you up, so eating it makes you feel fuller faster. This can help with weight management. Studies also have shown that adequate fiber in the diet can help with diabetes management and may help lower blood pressure.

Learn more
Page Portals

Make at least Half Your Grains Whole Grains (FN726, Reviewed Dec. 2021)

The food icon at recommends that at least half of the grain foods in your diet be whole grains

Now You're Cookin': More Whole Grains! (FN695, Reviewed August 2021)

Children who eat more often with their families eat a healthier diet, including more grains, fruits, vegetables and other nutritious foods.

This recipe was analyzed for nutrition using Food Processor SQL Nutrition and Fitness Software and tested in the kitchen.