Bed bugs are secretive and may be found in any room in the house. However, research has shown that 85% to 90% of bed bugs are found in the bedroom on the mattress, box springs or within 15 feet of the bed. Dwellings with a high rate of occupant turnover, such as hotels, motels, hostels, dormitories, shelters, apartment complexes and prisons, are at higher risk of having bed bug infestations. If living in an apartment building, adjacent apartment units also should be inspected. Bed bugs can infest airplanes, ships, trains and buses as well.
Initially, bed bugs are located in bedding and mattress seams (Fig. 7). As bed bugs multiply, they spread to bed frames, plaster cracks, baseboards, partitions, loose wallpaper, dressers and even picture frames. Any habitat that offers darkness and isolation is a potential hiding place. They are spread readily to new locations in clothing, luggage, used beds and second-hand furniture. Since bed bugs can survive up to six months without feeding, they already may be present in vacant and apparently clean apartments.
Adult, nymphs and blood spots on fabric of box spring
Thoroughly examine mattress seams, box springs, bed frames, luggage, furniture cushions, peeling wallpaper, picture frames, wall baseboards, electronic appliances (TVs, radios and clocks) and other potential hiding areas for bed bugs. Use flashlights to inspect any dark hiding places. Also look for small rusty stains on mattresses and box springs about the size of this dot • (Fig. 8). These stains are made when bed bugs excrete liquid fecal drops after consuming a blood meal (Fig. 9). If sleeping people accidently crush bed bugs, reddish stains on bed sheets or mattresses can be observed. Eggs and casted skins of nymphs are another sign of bed bug activity. If a bed bug infestation is heavy, a pungent, sweet smell may be noticeable. Again, inspect all potential hiding areas thoroughly. Although expensive, dogs have been trained to detect the scent of bed bugs and may be useful in difficult cases.
Adult, nymphs and blood spots on the underside of a recliner
Close-up of bed bug dropping produced after feeding on human