In Honor of Alex Rubenstein
Harry Rubenstein
In Honor of Bella Krajeck
Cindy Luther
In Honor of Buck Baenen
Debbie Alber
In Honor of Cass County Crusaders 4-H Members
Laura Devick
In Honor of Claire Beseler
Maxine Beseler
In Honor of Dean Aakre
Tammy Meyer
Tod and Rebecca Harrington
David and Julie Hassebroek
Durward and Phyllis Otterness
Karla Meikle
Rob and Tamra Maddock
In Honor of Dennis Beneda
Joseph Reierson
In Honor of Eddie Bernhardson
Penny Dale
In Honor of Ellen Crawford
Penny Dale
In Honor of Griffin Grandkids
Roger and Vicki Griffin
In Honor of Helping Hands 4-H Club - Wahpeton
Dustin and Kristen Lalum Mumm
In Honor of Jennifer Nodland-Lenning
Aspen Lenning
In Honor of Katie (Danuser) Coburn
Jennifer Rogers
In Honor of Laurie Kraemer
Peter Kraemer
In Honor of Maxine Nordick
Andrea Tweten Steinmetz
In Honor of McHugo Family
Pam Laffen
In Honor of Michaela Mitchell
Kamille Sherman
In Honor of Morton County 4-H Shooting
Sports Coaches
Morton County 4-H Council
In Honor of Morton County 4-H Volunteers
Morton County 4-H Council
In Honor of Past and Present 4-H’ers
Greg and Allison Krieger
In Honor of Penny Dale
Erik, Kimberly, Henrik, Penelope and Boden Vosseteig
In Honor of Sherry Gustin
Chad and Julie Ellingson
In Honor of Vanessa Hoines
Amy Richter
In Memory of Arlon Fritsche
Kenton and Roberta Holle
In Memory of Barbara Heine
Eugene and Deborah Elhard
In Memory of Bernard, Jean and Jim Meyer
Tammy Meyer
In Memory of Bev Haas
Beverly and Wayne Kadrmas Hecker
In Memory of Lanette Collins
Shannon and Shelby Hewson
Lon and Lynette Flage
Linda Hauge
Leigh Ann Skurupey
In Memory of Kenny Schulz
Sam and Jackie Buckley
In Memory of Bob Reinke
Peter and Debra Lee
In Memory of Ina Holmquest
Linda Hauge
In Memory of Laura Hendrickson
Rolette County 4-H Council
In Memory of Maxine Frank
John and Macine Lukach
Patricia Beck
Ron and Edair Teubner
Dennis and Anita Rohde
Good Times Ranch 4-H Club
Ellen Dunlop
Ron Frank
Daniel and Leann Vollmer
Armen and Connie Hanson
Linda Hauge
Michael and Sharon Anderson
In Memory of Dick Grotberg
Howard and Audrey Lahlum
Jerald and Mary Beth Orn
In Memory of Charles “Chuck” Meikle
Karla Meikle
In Memory of Charlotte Baenen
Debbie Alber
In Memory of Bertram Berg
Dennis and Kathy Walsh
In Memory of Duane Marxen
ND Assn of Extension 4-H Youth Workers
In Memory of Ed Schlosher
John Craft
In Memory of Edward Polensky
Beverly and Wayne Kadrmas Hecker
In Memory of Ella Mork
Tom and Ashley Demers
In Memory of Elmer Dukart
Gordon and Sharon Kickertz-Gerbig
In Memory of ElRoy Haadem
Nathan and Valerie Kuntz
In Memory of Forrest Tronson
David and Patricia Mueller
In Memory of Gerry Beck
Cynthia Schreiber-Beck
In Memory of Frances Clark
Michael and Sharon Anderson
In Memory of Harry Hecht
Blake and Kathleen Vander Vorst
In Memory of Henry and Alfhild Dieterle
Roger Dieterle
In Memory of Herman and Mary Dukart
Becky Buchmann
In Memory of Hudson Jay Seykora
Melissa Seykora
In Memory of Jack Knudtson, Marion and Doris Knudtson, Lonnie Jones
Lamar C and Marcy L Knudtson
In Memory of Jane Hammer
Peter and Debra Lee
Sara Lyons
In Memory of Jean and Bernard Meyer
Kim Dressler
In Memory of Jean Kram
Tucker Regner
In Memory of Jeff Braaten
Rammie Olson
In Memory of Jim Kirkeide
William and Anne Ongstad
Chelsey and Kyle Erdmann
In Memory of JohnnieRae Geving
Becky Buchmann
In Memory of Joleen Pahl Shaffer
Eugene and Deborah Elhard
In Memory of June Robertson Herman
Pamela Ferris
In Memory of Kenley Jordre
DeEll Jordre
In Memory of Laurie Bischoff
Sara Lyons
In Memory of Leona Stroh
Beverly and Wayne Kadrmas Hecker
In Memory of Lynn and Becky Schroeder
Dennis and Betty Montgomery
In Memory of Marge Anderson
Paul and Delise Kirkeide
In Memory of Marie Endersbee
Daniel and Leann Vollmer
In Memory of Mark Stromswold
Paige Brummund
In Memory of Mary Lou McDaniel
Soren McDaniel
In Memory of Maxine Torgerson
Peter and Debra Lee
In Memory of Mike Grembowski
Yvonne Feltman
In Memory of Mike Hanson
Samantha Roth
Karla Meikle
JoDean Nichols
Terry and JoAnn Lykken
Eunice Sahr
Phyllis Clemens
Preston Steen
Bradley and Lois Cogdill
Holly Halvorson
Glenn and Debbie Muske
Kim and Becky Koch
Lon and Lynette Flage
Meredith and Joe Gross
Chad and Lisa Pederson
Connie Job
Dale and Joy Patten
Duane and Kay Hauck
Gerald and Laura Sturn
Alex and Myrna Friedt
Aaron and Acacia Stuckle
Morris and Louise Davidson
Mark and Lori Scharmer
Steven and Marietta Good
ND Assn of Extension 4-H Youth Workers
Vanessa Hoines
Becky Buchmann
Wade and Lynn Moser
Jennifer and Dale Spicer
Carlene Paulson
Keith and Kay Berg
Daniel Blair Ray
Clare Carlson
Sharon Schiermeister
David and Jennifer Burkland
Cindy Larson-Casselton
Greg and Debra Gebeke
Tennis and Lori Balstad
Thomas and and Bonita Stich
Paul and Diane Overby
Garnet Devine
Debbie Alber
LuAnn Hanson
Myrna Hanson
Dean and Pamela Aakre
Gary and Lynette Nieuwsma
Trinity Lutheran Church, Bismarck
Doug and Louise Peterson
Mark and Brendy Jossund
In Memory of Morris Nelson
Dwight Palmer
In Memory of Nick Germann
Kris Nitschke
In Memory of Richard and Marion Vogel
Everett and Miriam Vogel
In Memory of Ryan Weed
John Kringler
In Memory of Leith Busy Bees 4-H Club
John and Wanda Peterson
In Memory of Vernon Edinger
Darcy and Todd Fuchs