Master's In School Counseling

School Counseling students are prepared to work in elementary, middle, secondary, and/or K-12 environments.  Example courses in the School Counseling track include Professional Orientation, Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling, Group Counseling, Counseling Techniques, Counseling Theories, Guidance Administration and Consulting, and Professional K-12 School Counseling.

The School Counseling track requires a minimum of 60 graduate semester credits and a comprehensive exam.  Furthermore, students complete 100 hours of practicum and 600-900 hours of internship in a school.  The track takes two years to complete.

Questions about the School Counseling track should be directed to the School Counseling Coordinator:

Dr. Carol Buchholz Holland
1230 Albrect Boulevard
NDSU Dept. 2625  PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108
 (701) 231-7103 

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