Sample Submission Guidelines


An initial consultation is highly recommended for all first time users to discuss sample handling, tissue fixation, and embedding.  Please contact the Histology core ( to schedule a consultation meeting.

Biosafety Considerations

  • All tissues/cells must be fixed, 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF) recommended, for a minimum of 24 hours up to 48 hours.

Turn Around Time

A standard turn-around time of approximately 5 to 10 business days is assigned to orders at the time of submission; turn-around times are dependent on complexity and size. Orders are accepted Monday through Friday, 1:00pm-3:00pm on a first-come first serve basis.

Tissue Cassette and/or Containers Labeling

  • Fixed tissue samples must be submitted in a sealed container labeled with PI name, sample ID, and transport reagent (70% ETOH).  Label all cassettes using a #2 lead pencil or pen specifically designed for histology labeling
    • Please print clearly
    • Histology Core staff will not be held responsible for the loss of sample labels due to the use of a non-solvent resistant marker. If in doubt, test marker before use in solvent.
    • Use of a simple coding system containing no more than 8 characters is recommended.

Tissue Collection

  • Cut tissues 2-3 mm thick if possible, as this allows for better penetration of fixative.
  • Do not overcrowd specimens in jars or cassettes, as this hinders good fixation and proper embedding of samples.
  • Samples will not be grossed by staff. The sample will be processed as received.

Tissue Fixation

  • Place tissue in fixative immediately to prevent autolysis.
  • Cover tissue with 10-20 times its own volume of fixative.
  • If multiple tissues are fixed in the same container, swirl the container periodically and make sure tissues are not sticking together or floating.
  • Fix for a MINIMUM of 24 hours; aim for 48 hours as a standard. A shaker or rocker will greatly assist in attaining even and complete fixation.
  • Tissue must be transferred into 70% ethanol before submission. Please note the fluid type on the sample container for safe disposal.

Sample Drop Off

Orders are accepted Monday through Friday, 1:00pm-3:00pm, or by appointment. 

  • Sample submission form must be completed in its entirety prior to sample drop off. The form should be printed double sided.
  • Bring sample and form to Sudro Room 134.
  • Your submission will be given an order number at drop off. You will need to reference this number for questions and at pickup.
  • The core will supply some supplies for submission; cassette, sponges, containers. Please contact the staff for more information.

Sample Return

User will be notified via email when orders are ready for pickup. 

Orders may be picked up between 1:00pm-3:00pm, Monday through Friday, or by appointment in room Sudro 134.

Publication Acknowledgment

NDSU Core policies require that all facility users acknowledge the COBRE histology core facility in any published work that reports data collected and processed using core services.  Acknowledgments can be referenced as: Histological services were provided by the NDSU Histology Core Facility supported by the Center for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies in Pancreatic Cancer funds.  The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute of Heath.

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