Deona McEnery

Deona McEnery, MA
Senior Lecturer
MA English Literature (NDSU, 2001)
BA English Writing and Spanish, with a minor Biology (Concordia College, 1994)
AA English, Spanish, Biology (Northland Community College, 1992)
Office: Minard 318E22
Biographical Sketch
A native of the Fargo/Moorhead area, second generation Bison, and daughter of two teachers, Deona McEnery finds her passion in books of all kinds (romance, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, monster stories (vampires, shape shifters), cooking, biology, and psychology, among others). She loves reading and writing and teaching students about how to become a part of the world conversation. She collects seashells and other ocean life artifacts, rocks and minerals, and rubber stamps.Her teaching career has included the following classes: English 110 (First-Year Writing), English 120 (First-Year Writing), English 220 (Introduction to Literature), English 320 (Business and Professional Writing), English 321 (Writing in the Technical Professions), English 324 (Writing in the Sciences), and University Studies 189 (Introduction to the University).