Undergraduate Major and Minor Advising Forms

The undergraduate English major and minor programs are differentiated as follows: The BA in English and English Education requires students to complete at least two years of a foreign language; the BS in English and English Education requires students to complete a minor in a relevant discipline. A minor in Literary Studies allows students to focus on literature courses; a minor in Writing Studies allows students to focus on writing courses.

Microsoft Word document download: A comparison of the English BA, BS, and BEd degrees is presented side by side here.

Information on a degree in English Education can be found on this link to the English Education website.

The Department of Registration and Records keeps the appropriate curriculum forms online and updated at the following links:

Please meet with your advisor regarding any and all information found in the above documents:

Eunice Johnston, advisor to all English majors (231-7153).

Mary Pull, advisor to English Education majors (231-7928).

Special note: 

The Modern Language Association (MLA) recommends students develop proficiency in a second language; most graduate programs in English (including our own) require at least two years of proficiency, sometimes more.  

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