North Dakota State University does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, retaliation or sexual misconduct and is committed to taking action against discrimination, harassment, retaliation and sexual misconduct in order to: (1) stop it; (2) remedy its effects; and (3) prevent its recurrence.
If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and/or sexual misconduct, you are encouraged to file a complaint and to do so as soon as possible.
File a Complaint
All NDSU employees who observe or receive information of alleged discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or sexual misconduct involving an NDSU student must promptly report the information to the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office.
Reconsideration Form
Information on how to submit a Reconsideration Form will be provided to the Reporting Party upon dismissal of a complaint. This information will be provided bythe Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office.
Pursuant to Policy 156, Section 6.1, “If the complaint is dismissed, the Reporting Party may submit a request for reconsideration of the complaint within three business days of receipt of the preliminary evaluation determination. The Reporting Party may submit additional documentation or information that supplements the original complaint. This may include, but is not limited to, additional evidence or names of witnesses. Complaints resubmitted with no additional information will not be reviewed for reconsideration.”
Appeal Form
Information on how to submit an Appeal Form will be provided to the Parties at the conclusion of an investigation process. This information will be provided by the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office.
Pursuant to Policy 156, Section 8.12, “Within 5 business days of receipt of the investigative report either party may appeal the report.The grounds upon which a party can request an appeal are: (1) the recommended disciplinary action is substantially disproportionate to the findings; (2) procedural error led to an improper investigative report; and/or (3) new evidence that was previously unavailable should be considered as it could have had a significant impact on the investigative report.”
*** The Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office can assist you with completing any of our forms. ***
For questions or assistance please contact:
Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office/ADA Coordinator/Title IX Coordinator
Old Main 201
NDSU Main Campus
(701) 231-7708