Getting involved with hands-on research projects at NDSU can get you out of your comfort zone and help you find your career.
Kate Volk, a senior majoring in biological sciences, developed an interest in research at NDSU. She helped on a study of cover crops before diving into plant research with assistant professor Jill Hamilton’s Common Gardens project.
Volk helps study how different plant populations grow and evolve in different climates, and how those plants respond to climate changes. The goal is to determine which seed variation will thrive.
“Being a part of this research has helped me figure out what I want to do with my life,” said Volk, who is from Mandan, North Dakota. “I wish I would have dived right in and started doing research projects as a freshman. It’s been so eye-opening. It’s a great experience that’s been good for me and good for my future.”
Volk said undergraduate research is a boost for a student’s resume or application to graduate school. It teaches the value of teamwork and critical thinking skills.
“It’s a great learning environment for a student,” Volk said. “It helps you to be independent and to find your own strategies and ways to solve problems.”
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