Facilities Use Agreements

A Facility Use Agreement (FUA) is a legal contract that outlines the terms and conditions under which an individual or group is allowed to use a specific facility. This agreement serves to establish clear expectations for both the facility owner and the user, ensuring a smooth, safe, and legally compliant experience.

Why is a Facility Use Agreement Important?

  • Defines Usage Terms: The FUA specifies important details like the date, time, purpose, and restrictions on the use of the facility. This ensures that both parties know exactly what is expected and helps prevent misunderstandings.
  • Addresses Liability and Insurance: A key component of the FUA is addressing liability issues. Users are required to carry liability insurance to cover potential damages or injuries that occur during the event. This protects both the facility owner and the user in case of accidents or damage.
  • Sets Behavior and Safety Expectations: The FUA outlines behavioral expectations and safety protocols to ensure a safe and respectful environment. It can also specify compliance with local laws, including fire codes, occupancy limits, and health regulations.

Facility and Grounds Use Agreement Guidelines

PDF download: Facilities Use Agreement Guidelines

The information in this document is provided to assist in determining when an FUA would be required for a particular event. Contact the Associate Director of Public Health and Safety or the Associate Director of Facilities Operation with any questions.

FUAs should be submitted no later than 5 business days before the start of the event.

Requesting Door Access for Events

For events that require special access to doors—whether by key or card access—a separate form must be completed to request unlocking. This ensures that the facility is prepared for your event and can accommodate specific access needs.

How to Request Door Unlocking

Complete a Card Access Request if your event requires card access doors to be unlocked outside of normal scheduling. This form is separate from the FUA and is specifically designed to handle access-related requests.

If your event requires keyed doors to be unlocked outside of normal scheduled hours send an email to ndsu.police.safety@ndsu.edu for your request. You should include:

  • Event Name and Date
  • Specific Door to be Unlocked
  • Access Times- when the doors need to be unlocked. This includes both the start and end times of event, as well as any setup or cleanup times that may require early or extended access.

If you are unsure about what type of access you need or have questions on specific building scheduling, contact Facilities Management at (701) 231-7911.

Certificate of Insurance

Some events held at NDSU may require additional insurance coverage. If your event involves any potential risks, is open to the public, or includes food from outside vendors (not NDSU Dining/Catering), you may need to provide proof of insurance. If the event includes minors a certificate of insurance is required.

Proof of Insurance: If required, you must submit a Certificate of Insurance along with your Facility Use Agreement. Here's what you need to know:

  • Minimum Coverage:
    • $2 million per occurrence, or
    • $1 million per occurrence plus a $1 million umbrella (or excess) policy to meet the $2 million requirement.
  • State Requirements:
    • The certificate must list NDSU as the certificate holder.
    • NDSU must be listed as an additional insured.
  • Important Note: Insurance policies will not be accepted as proof—only a certificate of insurance.

Please work with your insurance broker/agent to ensure the certificate meets these requirements. For questions, contact the Safety Office.

Waiver Requirements

If your event carries any potential risk of harm, Participation Waivers for participants and/or spectators, as well as Volunteer Services Agreements for volunteers, are required. Sponsors are responsible for maintaining the waiver records and should follow the designated records retention schedule.

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