
How does math placement work?

The math placement survey is a survey to know more about students'  experiences with math. All incoming sudents are required to take the math placement survey before course registration even if they have previously taken a college math course.

How does English placement work?

The English placement survey is a survey to know more about students' class experiences with literature, research, and writing.  All incoming students are required to take the English placement survey before course registration even if they have previously taken a college English course.

How does my student declare a second major or minor?

Incoming students are not able to claim a second major or minor. Students are able to add to their primary major once they’ve begun classes at NDSU and have met with their academic advisor. A list of all majors and minor options for students can be found online

How does my student send their final transcripts from high school and/or other institutions of higher education?

Students can send their final high school and college transcripts to NDSU via mail or an electronic service (Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse, etc). If students have attempted college credit (i.e., PSEO, College in Schools, dual credit) they will need to send a transcript from whatever institution they received college credit from. This is SEPARATE from their high school transcript. Students will need to contact the college or university where they earned college credit to request an official transcript.

Via mail, transcripts can be addressed to:
                                                                                NDSU Office of Admission
                                                                                 Dept 2832, PO Box 6050
                                                                                  Fargo, ND 58108-6050

How will my student register for classes if their college/AP credit hasn’t been finalized yet?

AP scores typically aren’t available until mid- or late-July. Students who plan to transfer in AP exams are strongly encouraged to communicate with their academic advisors at the time of registration.  Those taking AP classes are still required to take NDSU placement surveys for math and English. This will allow students to register in math and English courses.  Once we receive the student’s official scores, they can register for a higher course or drop a course, if applicable. 

What are the important dates for adding, dropping, changing to pass/fail, and withdrawing from classes?

Important dates and deadlines related to registration, financial aid, and accounts can be found on the NDSU Important Dates and Deadlines page.

When do students register for classes?

Students register in a virtual one-on-one appointment with their academic advisor. They'll receive an email invitation to:

  • schedule a virtual class registration appointment with an academic advisor
  • complete pre-registration requirements (You Belong Here modules, math and English placement surveys)
  • make an Orientation reservation

How can students know who their Academic Advisor is?

A student’s advisor information is available on the Student Center homepage on Campus Connection.

How do students order textbooks and other course materials?

TheNDSU Bookstore makes student success and affordability a priority for our students by offering a source for textbooks and course materials right on campus. Visit the NDSU Bookstore website for more information.

If students have a grievance or complaint about a faculty member or student services, who should they contact?

Students should first try to resolve the conflict or express their concern directly to the involved individual(s).  If the direct contact does not successfully resolve the concern, the student should seek additional assistance. This guide will be helpful to know where to turn depending on the particular issue.   

When and where are grades posted?

If your student grants you permission to view their grades (please see the section on Student Privacy for more information), final grades are entered into Campus Connection by instructors approximately 2-3 business days after the close of final examination week. Throughout the semester, many professors also update assignment grades within Blackboard, which students may view. 

When will students be able to see their classes in Blackboard?

Students can access Blackboard with their NDSU credentials. However, each professor uploads their classes at their own discretion. Some professors may upload their class information early; others may wait until classes start to post their class information. If students are concerned that course information is not appearing, they should contact the professor of their class directly.

When and where will the Dean’s list be posted?

At the end of each semester, the Dean’s list (students must have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.50 during that term while completing at least 12 semester hours in graded coursework to be included) is published online by NDSU News. 

Will the Dean’s list be sent to my local paper?

If you would like your local paper to publish your student’s success on the Dean’s list, please complete and submit a General Student News Release Form. From there, our Student News department will send a press release to the paper specified. It is at the discretion of papers to publish anything received. 

How does a class waitlist work?

If students are registering for courses and a class is full, a checkbox will appear that says "Wait List if class is full". If students want to join the Wait List for the class, they should check that box and follow the remaining steps for enrollment. They will be notified via NDSU email when they are added to a course via Wait List. If students have concerns about joining a class Wait List, or are seeking alternative class options, they should speak with their academic advisor.

Can students withdraw from a course?

Yes, students can withdraw from courses in which they are registered. For important dates and deadlines related to registration, please refer to the Office of Registration and Records website. It’s recommended students contact their academic advisor before withdrawing from or dropping a course to ensure they still meet necessary academic requirements. 

What assistance is available for students struggling in courses?

NDSU has multiple student support services and centers on campus for students struggling in courses: 

  1. The ACE Tutoring Center is an academic support program available to all NDSU students. Students can meet with tutors for their specific course, create or join a study group, or find a quiet place to study.
  2. The Center for Writers offers writing support to students through one-on-one sessions. Whether students are writing an essay, thesis, cover letter, or more, the Center for Writers gives students a second set of eyes to make appropriate writing decisions.
  3. Student with disabilities may work with Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources to know if reasonable accommodations may be available.  
  4. Located on the lower level of the main library, the Math Emporium provides tutoring and practice for college algebra, trigonometry and pre-calculus
  5. TRIO Student Support Services offers one-on-one tutoring to eligible students.  Students must be accepted into the program to receive services.

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Campus Safety

For questions that are not addressed here, please refer to Institutional Equity and Compliance and  to the University Police and Safety Office website

How does NDSU keep students safe on campus?

We want  NDSU to be a safe space to live, learn, and grow and we strive to foster self expression through policy, residence hall programming, and training for students, faculty, and staff.  NDSU is fully committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action in alignment with its values and in compliance with federal and state laws, regulations, and policies. Some examples of how we protect students and their right to equal access to education include:

  • A non-discrimination statement that is more inclusive that that used by the State of North Dakota.  NDSU does not discriminate in its programs and activities on the basis of age, color, gender expression/identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, participation in lawful off-campus activity, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, public assistance status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, spousal relationship to current employee, or veteran status, as applicable.  
  • Inclusive restrooms available in our residence halls and many other buildings on campus.
  • A formal complaint process to report discrimination, harassment, retailiation, or sexual misconduct as well as an report form for any member of the NDSU community to report incidents of bias, biogtry, or hate.
  • NDSU employs a full-time police force (University Police) that is responsible for 24/7 law enforcement and public safety as well as initial emergency response.
  • University Police offers a Safety Escort service and also has a free app that students can use when walking across campus late at night. 
  • There are blue emergency lights across campus that have emergency phones included.

My student wants to bring their trap/hunting gun to campus. Where can they store them?

Firearms are not allowed on campus unless they are stored at the University Police department. This storage is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Information on how to drop off firearms to University Police and applicable forms are available on their website.

Can we view a safety report of campus?

Each year, NDSU publishes a security report that includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occured on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by NDSU; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, access to information on registered sex offenders, and other matters. This is available on the University Police website. 

If the university is closed due to bad weather, how are students notified?

Students are notified of campus closures due to extreme weather via the Campus Emergency Notification System (CENS). This sends an email alert, text message alert, and phone call alert to students. Additionally, the NDSU website is updated as soon as possible.

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For questions that are not addressed here, please refer to the Dining website, email, or call (701) 231-7001.

What are the meal plans available?

NDSU has two unlimited meal plan options:

  1. The 5-day unlimited meal plan can be used anytime Monday - Friday and includes 2 to-go meals/day and 3 guest meals/semester. The 5-day plan is only recommended for commuter students, or those who are planning to leave campus every weekend. 
  2. The 7-day unlimited meal plan can be used anytime Monday - Sunday and includes 2 to-go meals/day and 7 guest meals/semester.

Block plans are also available to commuter students and students living in campus apartments.  They are available for purchase in increments of 25. 

When do students sign up for their meal plan?

Students signed up for either a 5- or 7-day meal plan when they initially completed their housing application. If you or your student are unsure what meal plan option was selected, please visit GET.  Meal plans can also be managed via GET on your desktop or the GET Mobile app.

How do guest passes work?

Guest passes are preloaded onto a student’s meal plan. Upon entry into a dining center, they will indicate to the Dining staff if they are using any guest passes. 

Where can students use their meal plans?

The unlimited 5- or 7-day meal plans can only be used at NDSU dining centers (Residence Dining Center and West Dining Center). Block meal plans can be used at any of the dining centers, food court, or NDSU coffee shops. 

How can my student change meal plans?

Students can change their meal plan via GET, our campus cash phone app. Deadlines to change or cancel meal plans are here.  

What options are available for students with dietary restrictions?

The West Dining Center at NDSU is a designated allergen-friendly dining center. The Clean Eats station serves lunch and dinner using ingredients free from the top eight allergens (fish, shellfish, dairy, soy, eggs, nuts, tree nuts, and wheat/gluten). The West Dining Center is also completely peanut and tree nut free. Incoming NDSU students are encouraged to complete and submit a dietary restriction form from NDSU Dining. A registered dietitian will be in contact with information about the resources available on campus. 

What are the hours for the dining centers on campus?

Hours of each dining center and the food court varies. Updated hours are available on the NDSU Dining website. 

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Financial Aid and Scholarshps:

When is the scholarship application deadline?

For incoming students, the scholarship deadline is February 1. Students are encouraged to submit a scholarship application each year they attend NDSU.

How does my student apply for scholarships?

NDSU’s scholarship application is available online. The scholarship application for incoming students is due February 1.

How does my student apply for financial aid?

At NDSU, students can apply for financial aid via scholarships or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The deadline for scholarships and priority deadline for FAFSA was February 1; however, students can still submit their FAFSA to NDSU. For more information on how to submit your FAFSA, visit the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships website. 

When will we know what my student has received in financial aid from NDSU?

Students will be notified via email from AcademicWorks (the online scholarship application system) in mid-February if they have received any scholarships from NDSU. Students are also notified via letter of any additional scholarships they’ve received. If your student submitted their FAFSA to NDSU by February 1, they will receive a full financial aid package from the Office of Financial Aid in mid-March. If the FAFSA was submitted after February 1, the Office of Financial Aid will be sending out Financial Aid award notices biweekly starting in late March.

If my student retakes the ACT/SAT or improves their GPA, will they be reawarded any scholarships?

No. NDSU considers ACT/SAT scores and GPAs until February 1. After that point, students will not be rewarded any scholarships based on improved test scores/GPAs.

When is tuition due?

Tuition deadlines are listed in the Academic Calendar

When is the FAFSA deadline?

There is no formal deadline to submit the FAFSA to NDSU. We encourage students to submit their FAFSA as soon as possible so we can provide them with a timely financial aid package and give them ample time to plan private loans if necessary.

How can students find jobs?

Students can search for on-campus jobs through Handshake, a platform used by the NDSU Career and Advising Center that connects students to a variety of job options. If students wish to work for NDSU Dining or the NDSU Wellness Center, those applications can be found at the links provided. Additionally, every year in the fall and spring semesters, the Career and Advising Center hosts a part-time job fair that features both on- and off-campus employers. Additional information is on the Career and Advising Center website.

When can students start applying for on-campus jobs?

On-campus job for fall semester are posted in the summer. Jobs are posted in Handshake, the online job search platform. The NDSU Career and Advising Center also hosts a part-time jobs fair every fall and spring. Both on-campus and off-campus job opportunities are present, giving students the opportunity to learn more and apply for on- and off-campus jobs.

Does my student have to be work-study eligible in order to apply for on-campus jobs?

No. On-campus jobs are open to both work-study and non-work-study eligible students. 

Where can we view how much our student owes after scholarships and financial aid is distributed to their account?

Under the heading “Finances” on a student’s Campus Connection homepage, students can view their total financial aid under “View Financial Aid.” This link will lay out the total amount of scholarships, grants, and federal loans students have qualified for. Under the link “College Financing Plan,” a total cost of attendance for the academic year will be laid out. There will be a section that is titled “College Costs You Will be Required to Pay.” That is where students can find the total amount they will need to make up from external funding sources (family, external scholarships, loans, etc.) The NDSU Office of Financial Aid has numerous resources available to students and families who are looking for more information on loans

My student needs to apply for private student loans. Are there any suggestions on how to get started?

The NDSU Office of Financial Aid has numerous resources available to students and families who are looking for more information on loans. For students who are considering private loans, we also have an excellent resource called Fast Choice that helps students find a private loan that is appropriate for their situation. NDSU does not endorse any lenders on these websites -- we process loans from any lender that participates in any educational loan programs. 

When is the best time to apply for private student loans?

While there is no specific deadline for applying for a private loan during the semester your student is attending, please be aware processing can take up to three weeks once NDSU receives the request. Students should apply as soon as possible to allow enough time for the lender to process their application, loan approval, school processing, follow-up paperwork (if applicable), and funds to be applied to your students NDSU account. Recommended application dates are here.  

Does NDSU have a payment plan?

Yes, NDSU students can sign up for a monthly payment plan through Customer Account Services. More information on the plan and how to apply can be found on their website.

How can payments be made?

Payments can be submitted in the following ways:

  1. Online: Credit card and electronic check payments can be submitted through Campus Connection
  2. By mail: checks or money orders can be mailed to:

                                                    Customer Account Services
                                                             NDSU Dept 3110
                                                               PO Box 6050
                                                         Fargo, ND 58108-6050

     3. In-person: Cash and check payments are accepted at the OneStop service center in the Memorial Union.

Who should the check be made out to?

You can make checks payable to NDSU.

Where do we send external scholarship checks?

We request that all external scholarships are made payable to NDSU and sent to NDSU OneStop by the end of June. Scholarship checks, along with the donor address and a contact phone number, can be sent to NDSU OneStop at:
                                                                   North Dakota State University
                                                                             NDSU Dept 2836
                                                                                PO Box 6050
                                                                         Fargo, ND 58108-6050

Please include the student’s full name and ID number with the check.  

How can I check my student's account to check their finances?  

In order to view your student’s financial account and make payments, they will need to designate you as an Authorized Payer. Authorized Payers are allowed to make online payments on behalf of the student -- they are not granted access to any student account details and designating an individual as an Authorized Payer does not grant FERPA permissions. More information, and instructions on how to set up Authorized Payer access, can be found online

How does my student apply for Minnesota reciprocity?

**Effective Fall 2025, all new students (e.g., incoming freshmen) from Minnesota will need to apply for reciprocity with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education. Current students with reciprocity that earned at least one credit from NDSU in the 2024-2025 academic year do not need to re-apply. Submit the online application by July 1 to ensure you receive the accurate tuition rate and avoid mid-semester financial aid corrections.

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How do I send mail or packages to my student?

You can send packages to your student via any standard shipping company (USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc). Mail will be delivered directly to the student’s mailbox located within their residence hall. The NDSU Bookstore, located in the Memorial Union, receives packages for students living in campus residence halls. When a student receives a package, they will receive an email and/or text alert that they have a package available for pick up. Students need to bring their ID to pick up their package.

How does my student send packages?

Students can conveniently send packages at the USPS location within the NDSU Bookstore, located in the Memorial Union. 

What is the mailing address of my student?

Mailing addresses for on-campus housing can be found on the Residence Life website.

A package I sent has not arrived.  What can be done?

It can take a few days for packages to arrive and be sorted before a student is notified. If your student hasn't heard anything, feel free to contact the NDSU Bookstore.

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Residence Life

For questions that are not addressed here, please refer to the Office of Residence Life website, email, or call (701) 231-7557

Are first-year students required to live on campus?

All first-year students are required to live in a residence hall on campus. For the 2025-26 academic year, a first-year student is defined as an invidiual who recieves a high school diploma in January 2025 or later. Students may qualify for an exemption to this policy if they: 

  • are living with a parent or guardian at their primary residence within a 35 mile radius of campus.
  • are enrolled in 11 or fewer credit hours.
  • have custody of a child.
  • are married.
  • are pursuing a degree entirely online, taking no in-person classes for the fall and spring semesters for the academic year.
  • have extenuating circumstances such as a severe medical condition, financial hardship for which there is no other solution, or family consideration. 

If your student qualifies for an exemption, they must complete the online exemption request form

When is the move-in date?

The move-in date for Fall 2025 is Saturday, August 23 Get the details here.

Can students have a single room?

There are some single rooms available for students. Preference is given to students who, for medical or safety reasons, need a single room. If you have questions about this, please contact Residence Life. 

If my student has not decided whether they are attending NDSU, should they apply for housing?

A student does not need to be committed to NDSU in order to apply for housing. We recommend any student who is considering NDSU apply for housing. 

What are the dimensions of the rooms in the residence halls?  How about the furnishings in the rooms (i.e. beds, dressers)?

Every residence hall has their own webpage on the Residence Life website.  Visit each hall's webpage to find floor plans, room renderings, measurements and more.  Each hall's Facebook page will also provide this information.

What size sheets should I purchase for my student’s room?

All our residence halls have twin XL beds EXCEPT Burgum and Weible Halls, which have twin-size beds.  Residence Life recommends all residents to bring twin extra-long sheets regardless of residence hall.  This size sheet wil fit any mattress on campus, making a potential move to a different hall easier. 

Does custodial staff clean residence hall rooms and restrooms?

The bathrooms in the high rise residence halls (Cater, Pavek, Seim, Sevrinson, and Thompson halls) are cleaned by NDSU staff every two weeks. Low rise residence hall bathrooms (Burgum, Churchill, Dinan, Stockbridge, Reed/Johnson, and Weible Halls) are cleaned every week day (Monday through Friday) by staff. 

Can students check out items to clean their room?

Each residence hall provide brooms, vacuums, and other cleaning supplies available for students to use.

Are there any restrictions on items students can have in the residence halls?

A full list of Packing Guidelines is available on the Residence Life website. 

Why does NDSU not allow seating that can fit more than one person (i.e., futons, couches)?

We have a few reasons for not allowing large items of furniture into our residence halls. First, it is a fire hazard. We don’t want students to impede their ability to leave the room in case of emergency. Second, we try to keep the move-in and -out process as easy as possible, and large pieces of furniture are difficult and clunky. Finally, we don’t want to encourage individuals who do not live in the residence halls to stay for extended periods of time. Guests are allowed, but only overnight or short-term (such as a weekend).

Can students hang things on the walls in the residence halls?

Yes. Students can use tape, white poster putty, or removable 3M Command Strips to hang items on their walls. No nails or tacks, please. 

What are the amenities of the residence halls?

Every hall has its own unique amenities and features, but all halls offer the following: printing stations, onsite mail, coinless laundry, cleaning supplies, video streaming service, recreation lounges, study lounges, community kitchens, Wi-Fi, hall office with games/videos/entertainment options, and secure keyless card entrances. Each residence hall room is furnished with a desk, chair, wardrobe, and bed for each student. 

Which residence halls have air conditioning?

Burgum, Cater, Churchill, and Pavek halls have air conditioning.  Seim hall doesn't provide central air conditioning, but has an air cooling system which helps keep it cool. 

What types of washing machines are in the residence halls and what type of detergent should my student bring?

All halls are equipped with coinless laundry in a convenient location for student use. High efficiency washing machines are installed in high rise halls (Cater, Pavek, Thompson, Sevrinson, and Seim Halls). Students can use any detergent, including Tide Pods. 

Are there opportunities to send a care package to my student?

Yes, all you need is your student's address and you can send packages (they'll be able to pick them up at the NDSU Bookstore).

When do the residence halls open and close?  What about breaks?

During the regular academic year, students have 24/7 key card access to their residence hall. On scheduled campus breaks, including Thanksgiving break, winter break, spring break, and summer break, students who wish to stay in their residence hall must submit a request for break housing. More information and dates can be found on the Residence Life website. 

How can we loft our student's bed? Do we need to rent lofts?

Cater, Churchill, Dinan, Pavek, Reed/Johnson, Seim, Stockbridge, and Weible Halls have self-lofting beds that do not require additional supplies to raise the bed frames. Burgum, Sevrinson, and Thompson Halls require students to rent a loft from College Loft Services (CSI).  If you rent your loft prior to August 16, CSI will set your loft up in your room prior to move-in at no additional charge.

How can I find my student's room number?

Students can find their housing assignment (including residence hall and room number) in Campus Connection. Students should go to: Student Self Service -> On-Campus Housing ->  Room Assignments. 

Does NDSU have curfews for the residence halls?

There is no curfew for the residence halls. Each residence hall does have quiet hours when students are asked to keep a low volume so as not to disturb other students. Quiet hours are 10:00 p.m.-10:00 a.m. Sundays-Thursdays and 11:00 p.m.-10:00 a.m. on Fridays-Saturdays.  

Are students allowed to bring pets into the Residence Halls?

We do not allow any animals, other than non-carnivorous fish, into our residence halls. Students are allowed to have up to a 10 gallon fish tank in their room, so long as it ONLY houses fish.
If a student has a therapy or emotional support animal, they need to make an accommodation request through Residence Life and Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources. More information can be found on the Center for Accessibility Resources and Disability Resourceswebsite. 

Is renters insurance required for students living in the residence halls?

Renters insurance is not required, but highly encouraged by Residence Life. Residence Life does not partner with any agency and recommends checking with your current insurance provider to see what they offer. 

Where can I find the address for my student’s residence hall?

Mailing addresses for each residence hall can be found on the Residence Life website. 

Where do the elevators stop in the high rise residence halls?

Cater, Pavek, and Seim Halls have elevators that go to each floor. Thompson and Sevrinson Hall's elevators go to the even floors only. 

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For questions that are not addressed here, please refer to the Office of Residence Life website, email, or call (701) 231-7557

How does roommate matching work?

Students have many options to find a roommate at NDSU:

  1. Match up with someone you know: Log into My College Roomie (MCR), complete a profile, answer some questions, then request to match up with your preferred roommate.  
  2. Match up with someone new: Log into MCR, create a profile, and complete a questionnaire. After that, you will be able to look at other students' profiles and see your percentage of compatibility. Then, you can send messages to any or all of your suggested matches to connect further. Finally, you can request each other as roommates.
  3. Be assigned a random roommate by taking none of the actions above. When a roommate has selected the second bed in your room or been assigned, you will receive an email to your NDSU account with more information. 

Within 48 hours after applying for housing, an invitation will be sent to your NDSU email address, asking you to create a profile in My College Roomie.

If my student wants to live in a suite-style room, can they request their suitemates in addition to their roommate?

Much like individual roommates, any students who wish to have a suite together need to match with each other in MyCollegeRoomie. It is important that EVERY member of the suite matches with every other member. Then, when selecting the room, whoever is making the selection can place each student in their respective rooms and beds. 

Who completes room self-selection of a roommate pair or suitemate group? Does everyone need to select the residence hall and room?

Only one person of the roommate pair or suitemate group needs to select for everyone. During selection, a student will first select their preferred residence hall. Then, it will show all available rooms in whichever residence hall they selected. At the top of the page, a link will appear that will ask the student if they want to view a layout of the residence hall and room. Then, the student can place everyone where they want to be: whether in one room, or in an entire suite.

If a roommate relationship is strained, what can be done?

Learning to share a living space is a life skill we help our students develop. To lay a healthy groundwork with the goal of preventing problems from starting, our staff facilitates the completion of a Roommate Success Plan. This agreement addresses common areas for potential future conflict such as the cleaning schedule, guest visitation, and sharing belongings and gives each roommate an equal voice in determining the expectations in their room.  If problems do develop, it is recommended that students speak to their Resident Assistant (RA) with concerns.  Hall staff can provide great advice and even facilitate resolutions between roommates.

If my student’s matched roommate decides not to attend NDSU before coming to campus, does my student get a choice in their new roommate?

No. Because of availability, if a spot in a residence hall opens, Residence Life fills that space without considering the student’s My College Roomie profile. 

My student is living in a Learning Community. Can they pick their roommate or are they randomly assigned a roommate?

The Learning Communities at NDSU are exclusive to certain students. Because of this, placement in the Learning Community takes priority over roommate matching. Your student will be assigned a roommate. 

Does my student need to know who their roommate will be by time of self-selection?

Students do not need to have matched with another student by their self-selection period. However, it is highly recommended they find and match with a roommate before they select their residence hall -- otherwise, the other spot in their room may have filled.

My student knows someone they want to room with but cannot find the other student on MyCollegeRoomie. What should they do?

There shouldn’t be any reason your student cannot find another student in MyCollegeRoomie so long as they have also applied for housing and created a profile in the system. Please have your student check and make sure their friend has applied for housing and logged in to MyCollegeRoomie. If your student is still having difficulty finding a friend, make sure they check the entire list of roommate matches. 

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Student Health

For questions that are not addressed here, please refer to the Student Health Service website or call (701) 231-7331.

What medical services are available on campus?

NDSU offers preventative, acute, and chronic care to enrolled and eligible NDSU students through Student Health Service, located in the Wallman Wellness Center. A full list of services offered can be found on the Student Health Service website.  Please note that all individuals visiting Student Health Service are required to wear a face covering.

What are the fees and insurance policies at Student Health Service?

Student Health Service (SHS) will submit health insurance claims for clinical services. Students are responsible to contact their insurance company to verify coverage.

If a student does not wish to submit their claim to insurance, a Do Not File Insurance Form is available that the student must sign for each visit they do not want processed by insurance. Students who sign this form are responsible for 100% of all charges rendered during their visit (which is charged to the student's account). 

More detailed information can be found on the Student Health Service website.

Are flu shots available?

NDSU Student Health Service offers flu shots every year. When they will begin to be offered depends on the CDC guidelines, but generally, flu shots can be expected to begin around October 1. These are NOT free flu shots; NDSU Student Health Service will bill the student’s insurance provider. 

How are appointments made?

Appointments may be scheduled by calling (701) 231-7331 or through the Student Health Portal.

When are immunization records due?

Immunization documentation must be submitted to NDSU Student Health Service by:

  • May 1 for summer semester
  • August 1 for fall semester
  • January 1 for spring semester

Where do we upload immunization records?

Immunization records can be submitted to Student Health Service by:

More information can be found on the Student Health Service website.


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Student Privacy

Why can’t I see my student’s grades?

In order to view your student’s account details (including grades, classes, etc.), your student will need to grant you FERPA permissions. Permission may be granted by the student signing the electronic FERPA agreement. More information is available on the Student Privacy Policy page.

How can I be authorized to pay my student's bill?

In order to view your student’s financial account and make payments, they will need to designate you as an Authorized Payer. Authorized Payers are allowed to make online payments on behalf of the student -- they are not granted access to any student account details and designating an individual as an Authorized Payer does not grant FERPA permissions. More information, and instructions on how to set up Authorized Payer access, can be found online

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For questions that are not addressed here, please refer to the Information Technology website, email, or call (701) 231-8685.

Is it necessary for students to have their own printers?

It is not necessary for students to have their own printers. As part of their student fees, students are allocated 500 black and white pages (about $15) per semester that can be used at printers on campus. Printers are available in every building on campus for student usage. Students are also able to connect their personal devices to the GoPrint system. 

What computer types are recommended?

NDSU suports either Apple or Windows on campus, but there are some academic programs that recommend one over another based on what types of computer applications are frequently used.  For recommendations, students should reach out to the academic department and ask if they have computer recommendations.     

How do students access their email accounts?

Students who have already set up their NDSU email can access the link to log in via the Undergraduate Quick Links page. Students who have not set up their email can learn about how to do so at this link.

Is there software available for students to download from NDSU?

Incoming NDSU students can download the Microsoft Office Suite free on their personal computers through the Office 365 ProPlus Program. For more information, including instructions on how to download the software, please check the IT website

How do students connect to campus Wi-Fi?

Students can access campus-wide Wi-Fi via the Eduroam network. They can log in to this network with their NDSU email and Bison Login password. More information is available on the IT website. If students are having difficulty connecting to Wi-Fi, they should contact the IT Service Center.

Are there recommended mobile apps for incoming NDSU students?

There are a few apps that students commonly download:

  1. NDSU Visits: Take a personalized tour of campus or learn more about the buildings and services available on campus. A great tool for incoming students learning how to navigate their new home!
  2. Blackboard: The Blackboard app is the mobile version of Blackboard, used by students to manage their classes, turn in assignments, and view their gradebook.
  3. GET: The GET app allows students to manage their campus cash, dining meal plans, printing funds, and more. Students can access GET via their web browser.
  4. Pathlight: The Pathlight safety app gives students a sense of security as they walk around campus. The app allows students to enter their destination, select how long they think it will take to get there and click "Follow Me Now." NDSU dispatchers are able to determine their location on a computer map, and if they do not reach their destination within the time frame designated, or if they swipe "SLIDE FOR HELP," the NDSU Police will respond.

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Does my student need a vehicle?

Not at all. There are plenty of ways to get around campus and the greater Fargo-Moorhead area without a vehicle. MATBUS is a public transportation system that has routes throughout campus and in the community (including downtown NDSU locations, Target, West Acres shopping mall, etc.) MATBUS and NDSU have an agreement that make riding free for NDSU students.

Is there a rideshare for students?

There is no official group or website students use to find rideshare opportunities. Many students join unofficial Facebook groups, rely on friends or word-of-mouth for carpool/ride sharing opportunities.

What other methods are there for transportation in and out of Fargo?

There are many options for transportation in and out of Fargo-Moorhead for students who do not bring vehicles to campus. Some options include: carpooling with friends or classmates, Jefferson Lines and Landline bus services Amtrak train service, and the Hector International Airport

How do students buy a parking pass?

Parking passes for incoming NDSU students are available for purchase on the NDSU Parking website. Sales for the 2024-25 academic year open July 15, 2024.  Students must be registered for classes for at least 24 hours before they can purchase a parking pass.

When students purchase a parking permit, are they assigned a certain lot?

Yes, parking permits at NDSU are only valid in the lots assigned to the student. A list of what lots each permit is valid for is available on the Parking website.

If my student purchases a parking permit, when and where will they pick it up?

For students living in residence halls, their parking permit will be distributed to them at their residence hall check-in. 

If my student brings a bike to campus, are there rentable bike lockers available? Where do they store their bikes during the winter?

We do not offer private bike lockers for student storage during the winter. Students who bring their bikes (or scooters, skateboards, longboards, etc.) are responsible for storing them. 

In bad weather, is there assistance available for cars with dead batteries?

University Police will provide the service on NDSU property owned or leased by the State Board of Higher Ed and our expanded patrol area. It is a free service to NDSU students, staff, and faculty. The person requesting the service will need to supply an empl ID, and sign a release of liability. They can contact University Police at (701) 231-8998 for assistance. We do recommend students keep a set of jumper cables in their vehicle.

Do parking lots have outlets for block heaters?

Our parking lots are not equipped with outlets for student use.

What should students keep in their vehicles during the winter?

For North Dakota winters, we recommend students have the following items in their vehicle

  • Shovel
  • Ice scraper or snow brush
  • Jumper cables

We also recommend students keep a blanket, first aid kit, and winter items (extra hat, mittens, or gloves) in case of emergency.

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When and where do students get their student IDs?

For most incoming first-year students, student IDs will be distributed during their on-campus Orientation day.  Students should upload a photo for their student ID prior to their on-campus orientation.  Students should check their NDSU email for notice of confirmation or denial of the photo submission.  More information is available at the NDSU IT Service Center.

Student ID cards are not covered in the cost of tuition or student fees. Every student is charged $20 to their student account for their first ID at NDSU; if students lose their ID card or damage it, they are charged an additional fee for a replacement. 

If my student is struggling at NDSU, what resources exist to help them?

The NDSU Counseling Center offers group and individual counseling, classes, and seminars to assist students with reducing stress, dealing with mental health concerns like anxiety or depression, and providing a support network for students overwhelmed by college life.

The Career and Advising Center is readily available to help students explore career and major options if they wish to change their major while they’re a student, and TRIO Student Support Services has a variety of resources for qualified students. 

All of these resources are free for NDSU students to use. 

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