A variety of scholarships exist for students in the interior design program. See the many scholarship information links below for additional information. Apply today!

NDSU Scholarships
Get more information on the types of scholarships we offer at NDSU and how you can apply for them
General NDSU Scholarship Information ⇒

American Society of Interior Designers Student Chapter Scholarship
Two scholarships of $250 will be awarded by the NDSU Student Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). Applicants must be a member of the NDSU Student ASID Chapter (membership dues paid), receiving a major in Interior Design. Selection criteria is based on academic performance (minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00), active involvement in the NDSU Student Chapter of ASID, and financial need. The recipients must be third- or fourth-year students enrolled in the Interior Design program taking a minimum of 12 graded credits at the time of award disbursement.
Additional ASID Scholarships ⇒

North Dakota Interior Design Scholarship
To be eligible, applicant must currently be in their third year in the NDSU Interior Design program at the time of applying. Applicant must also be an active NDID student member (membership dues paid). One student will receive $750 toward their fourth year in the Interior Design program at NDSU. The awarded amount will be given directly to the recipient at the beginning of the fourth year.
Other Scholarships
Presidential Scholarship program ⇒
Osher Reentry Scholarship ⇒
Cyrus Rugs Scholarship
Click here for the link to the application and eligibility details.

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Interior Design Program Coordinator
Susan Ray-Degges
E. Morrow Lebedeff Hall 178
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Phone: (701) 231-7218
Email: susan.raydegges@ndsu.edu