Here are some of the lab's most recent publications
- Effects of age on oxidative stress and locomotion in the pollinator, Megachile rotundata.
- Anoxia hormesis improves performance and longevity at the expense of fitness in a classic life history trade-off
- Anoxia elicits the strongest stimulatory protective response in insect low-oxygen hormesis
- Anoxia hormesis following overwintering diapause boosts bee survivorship and adult performance
- Low-oxygen hormetic conditioning improves field performance of sterile insects by inducing beneficial plasticity
- Resistance and survival to extreme heat shows circadian and sex-specific patterns in A cavity nesting bee
- A dose of experimental hormesis: When mild stress protects and improves animal performance
- Commentary: Ultraviolet radiation triggers “preparation for oxidative stress” antioxidant response in animals: Similarities and interplay with other stressors
- Hormetic benefits of prior anoxia exposure in buffering anoxia stress in a soil-pupating insect
- Hawkmoths use nectar sugar to reduce oxidative damage from flight