Several NDSU Extension Service educators were recognized for their accomplishments and the quality of their programming at the recent National Association of County Agricultural Agents' annual meeting and in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
The individuals and the honors they received were:
- Gregory J. Endres, area cropping systems specialist based at the Carrington Research Extension Center – Communications Award for a publication (state winner)
- Joel Lemer, Foster County agent - North Central Region Achievement Award
- Penny Nester, Kidder County agent – Communications Awards for a personal column (state winner) and a program promotional piece (North Central Region winner)
- Stevan Sagaser, Grand Forks County agent -–North Central Region Distinguished Service Award
- Todd Weinmann, Cass County agent – Communications Award for a feature story (state winner); Landscape Horticulture Search for Excellence Award (state winner); Excellence in 4-H and Youth Program Award (state winner); Search for Excellence: Sustainable Agriculture Award (national winner from the North Central Region)
"I am proud of their accomplishments and of the example they set for their peers," said Weinmann, president of the North Dakota Association of Agricultural Extension Agents. He also served on the 2015 nomination committee for national officers.
Craig Askim, a Mercer County agent, was elected regional vice chair for the North Central Region Agriculture and Public Issues Committee. He will serve for two years. Following that, he will serve one year as national chair of the committee.
Brad Brummond, Walsh County agent, is vice chair of the 4-H Committee for the North Central Region.
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