April 18, 2016

COMM WEEK set for April 18-22


NDSU's COMM WEEK is scheduled for April 18-22. Planned events highlight the Department of Communication's talented undergraduate students in the areas of performance, message design and research. Students also are offered networking opportunities with communication-industry professionals and NDSU alumni.

Events include:

Monday, April 18:

• 9 a.m.-noon, communication students and the Bison Information Network will broadcast live from in front of the NDSU Bookstore in the Memorial Union

• 4 p.m., presentation by NDSU alumnus Brian Meckler, marketing adviser and partner at Absolute Marketing Group, Memorial Union Century Theater

Tuesday, April 19:

• 8 a.m.-10 a.m., Department of Communication Advisory Board Meeting, Memorial Union Rose room

• 7 p.m.-8 p.m., NDSU Lincoln Speech and Debate Showcase, Minard Hall, room 116

Wednesday, April 20:

• Noon-1 p.m., Research Colloquium, “It’s Just a Theory: Understanding the Tensions of Strategic Communication Decision-Making,” Robert Littlefield, professor of communication, Room of Nations

Friday, April 22:

• 9 a.m.-11 a.m., Department of Communication’s AdClub Professional Panel and Pitch, Room of Nations. Special Guest: NDSU Alumnus Mark Vanderlinde, senior account executive, Periscope

• 2 p.m.-3 p.m., Department of Communication’s Public Relations Student Society of America, Bateman case student competition presentation, Room of Nations

For more information, contact Mark Meister at mark.meister@ndsu.edu or Elizabeth Crawford Jackson at elizabeth.c.crawford@ndsu.edu.

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