June 26, 2018

Dickinson Research Extension Center Field Day set for July 11


Pest management in alfalfa and peas will be among the topics presented during the annual summer field day July 11 at NDSU's Dickinson Research Extension Center.

The program begins with registration at 8:30 a.m. at the center's headquarters in Dickinson, North Dakota.

Hector Carcamo, a research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Lethbridge Research and Development Centre, is the keynote presenter. He will discuss the background and management of pea leaf weevil. He is speaking courtesy of the Northern Pulse Growers Association.

Other field day topics and presenters are:

• Hemp production in southwestern North Dakota - Burton Johnson, a professor and scientist in NDSU's Department of Plant Sciences

• Alfalfa weevil management - Janet Knodel, Extension entomologist and associate professor in NDSU's Department of Plant Pathology

• Current center research, including studies on teff grass aluminum toxicity, small grains and soybeans - Ryan Buetow, Extension cropping systems specialist at the center, and Kris Ringwall, center director

• Managing on the margin - Levi Helmuth, a North Dakota farm business management education instructor stationed at the center

For more information, contact Buetow, who is coordinating the event, at 701-456-1106 or ryan.buetow@ndsu.edu.

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