A workshop on the ways to manage grazing lands effectively is scheduled for Jan. 9-11, 2019, at the NDSU Dickinson Research Extension Center.
The workshop will be conducted at the center's Red Office Building on the corner of State Avenue and Empire Road in Dickinson, North Dakota. The workshop will run each day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain time.
"Livestock producers have improved the genetic performance of North America's beef herd but have not simultaneously improved the technology of traditional pasture and harvested forage management," said Lee Manske, research professor at the center and workshop instructor. "Modern beef animals do not produce at their genetic potential on forage managed by old-style practices."
Participants need to download and bring multiple resources to the workshop, as well as a notebook. The information to be covered in the workshop can be downloaded to a computer or printer for free.
Visit https://hdl.handle.net/10365/28801 to download the Restoring Degraded Grasslands book chapter and http://www.grazinghandbook.com/ to download these reports:
• Biologically Effective Management of Grazing Lands
• Biogeochemical Processes of Prairie Ecosystems
• Evaluation and Development of Forage Management Strategies for Range Cows
• Methods for Development of Biologically Effective Management Strategies
• Increasing Value Captured from the Land Natural Resources
The workshop is free to attend, although lodging, transportation and meals are the participants' responsibility. Coffee and bottled water will be provided.
To register, email Manske at llewellyn.manske@ndsu.edu or call 701-456-1118 or 701-456-1120. Provide your name, mailing address and telephone number. If more than one person will attend from your ranch, provide the name of each person.
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