Oct. 3, 2019

Board of Ag Research and Education seeks input


NDSU’s State Board of Agricultural Research and Education, known as SBARE, is requesting input for 2021-23 program priorities. SBARE has budget and policy-making oversight for the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and NDSU Extension.

"In years past, SBARE has taken input on priorities with verbal testimony at listening sessions across the state plus through written testimony, and that process will continue unchanged," said Mark Birdsall, SBARE chair from Berthold, North Dakota. "However, now we're also offering an online form for individuals and groups to share needs and potential solutions."

Individuals and organizations have until Dec. 20 to submit ideas.

Stakeholder input will be taken in person:

• Thursday and Friday, Nov. 14-15, at the NDSU Harry D. McGovern Alumni Center

• Wednesday, Dec. 4, at the North Dakota Heritage Center, Bismarck

To testify in person, contact Wendy Breitbach at 701-231-7656 or wendy.breitbach@ndsu.edu two weeks before the requested meeting.

"In January 2020, the SBARE board will use the online, written and in-person input to discuss program priorities for the Experiment Station and Extension," Birdsall said. "In February and March, we'll discuss draft lists of initiatives, capital improvements and one-time funding requests to forward to the State Board of Higher Education and North Dakota Legislature."

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