Dec. 13, 2019

NDSU commencement speaker: Take the first step to success


NDSU graduating senior Patrick Pochant has wise advice for his classmates – don’t let the challenge of your future intimidate you.

Pochant is the class representative who will give an address during winter commencement, scheduled for Friday, Dec. 20, at 2 p.m. in NDSU’s Sanford Health Athletic Complex.

The theme of his talk is: Success takes time.

“You don’t accomplish the whole, big picture all at once,” Pochant said. “Everything comes with one step after the other. Before we know it, we’ve accomplished that big picture, and it wasn’t the daunting thing that it seemed when we started. We just have to take the first step.”

Pochant finishes an outstanding academic career at NDSU, earning his Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering and physics. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish, as well. His minor is in mathematics.

During his time on campus, he was vice president of NDSU’s chapter of Lions Club, a member of Blue Key Honor Society, a College of Engineering Ambassador and president of the Pride Alliance. In addition, he was a king candidate for the 2018 Homecoming Court and served as a co-master of ceremonies for the 2019 Homecoming coronation show.

He received a full-tuition scholarship from the North Dakota Scholars Program.

Pochant also volunteered on Habitat for Humanity’s spring break trips in 2018 and 2019, and he was an ACE tutor since his sophomore year. He had internship experiences with John Deere in Fargo and ChatuTech in Barcelona, Spain.

Pochant is originally from Washburn, North Dakota. When he graduated from high school, he wanted a bigger place with a variety of opportunities but close to where he grew up.

NDSU was the perfect fit.

“I first came here with the mindset that I was going to burn through college – I was taking 18, 19, 20 credits each semester so I could get on with my professional career. Now, here I am four-and-a-half years later and I’d give anything to stick around for just one more semester,” he said. “I’ve really grown into the university atmosphere and forged so many relationships with friends and faculty. It’s bittersweet to be leaving that after graduation. I have felt at home at NDSU.”

And he offers some noteworthy advice to incoming students. Pochant urges them to get involved with one or more of the 280-plus student organizations at NDSU.

“I know it’s cliché, but they say it for a reason: get out there and try at least one activity. You don’t know what you’ll end up liking,” he said. “And take the time to really enjoy the experiences you have in college. It’s over before you know it.”

Pochant, who is the son of Clark and Jayne Pochant, has accepted a software engineering position with Collins Aerospace in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

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