“Plains Folk,” a weekly radio production written and voiced by Tom Isern, University Distinguished Professor of history, will be featured on NPR One, a national podcast platform. “Plains Folk” is devoted to history, folklore and life on the Great Plains of North America.
NPR One is the national network's app for accessing content from NPR and its affiliates.
“Through an arrangement between Prairie Public and National Public Radio, this brings ‘Plains Folk’ to the attention of a national and international audience; people can download the app, listen to ‘Plains Folk’ and also subscribe to receive notification of every new feature posted,” said Isern. “It has been a pleasure developing, over the years, a relationship with the listening audience of Prairie Public across North Dakota. I look forward to seeing what new contacts may develop from this wider dissemination.”
Isern joined the NDSU faculty in 1992. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Bethany College, and his master’s degree and doctorate at Oklahoma State University.
He has written or co-written seven books, including, most recently, “Pacing Dakota,” published by NDSU Press. He is well-known across the region for his frequent lectures and concerts for both public and professional audiences.
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