Julie Garden-Robinson, Extension food and nutrition specialist and professor of health, nutrition and exercise sciences, is featured in a recent WalletHub story.
“2021’s Best Cities for Vegans & Vegetarians,” written by financial writer Adam McCann, was posted Sept. 27.
Garden-Robinson was one of six experts from around the country to be interviewed for the piece.
She was asked to respond to these questions:
• What tips do you have for a person that wishes to have a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle while on a budget?
• Should government subsidize the purchase of fruits and vegetables by discounting the price for folks using food stamps?
• What can parents do to encourage children to consume more veggies?
• What tips do you have for a person that wishes to become a vegetarian? How can the transition be made smoother?
• What will be the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and what are some effective ways to maintain this lifestyle during these times?
“Be sure to do your research before beginning a vegetarian diet. Following a vegetarian diet is more than avoiding all or most animal-based products,” Garden-Robinson said in the article. “A healthful vegetarian diet requires some planning, so you get adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals in your diet. Depending on the type of vegetarian diet (such as vegan or lacto-ovo vegetarian) you follow, you could be short-changing yourself on important nutrients needed for good health.”
Garden-Robinson earned her bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees at NDSU.
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