What an Ombud Can/Can't Do
- Listen to you in a nonjudgmental and objective way
- Answer your questions or refer you to someone who can
- Explain how University policies or procedures work
- Help you identify options to resolving a problem
- Help you evaluate your options and possible next steps
- Assist you in informally resolving a dispute or conflict by facilitating communication, coaching on conflict resolution, or mediating between willing parties
- Refer you to the appropriate office should you wish to file a formal complaint
- Look into perceived procedural irregularities in grievance proceedings
- Recommend changes to policies/procedures that appear outdated or problematic
- Inform University officials about significant trends and patterns of complaints or problems that appear to be systemic
Example of Issues that are commonly received by an Ombud:
- You have experienced Bullying
- Have a question or a complaint about an office, service, or decision at the University
- Need a mediator or help facilitating communication
- Perceived inequities in work or pay; treated unfairly
- Believe a University policy or practice is unfair or confusing
- Perceived unethical or inappropriate behavior
- Interpersonal conflicts and problems with workplace climate
- Concerns about career advancement & job satisfaction or security
- Concerns about Promotion, Tenure and Evaluation processes
- Advice on having a difficult conversation
- Problems of institutional non-responsiveness and red-tape
- Need an impartial and confidential sounding board
- Are not sure where else to turn for help
TEDx on Ombuds Services
What an Ombud CanNOT Do:
- Take sides or serve as an advocate for any party
- Maintain official records
- Unilaterally change rules or policies
- Set aside a decision or supersede the authority of another University official
- Provide legal advice
- Provide psychological counseling or therapy
- Participate in any formal grievance process
- Conduct formal investigations
- Provide testimony in any court initiated proceeding
- The office has no authority but does have the power of persuasion available to it
The Ombud's Office is not an "office of official notice" for the University. If you would like to make a complaint officially, please consult the office of the President, Provost or other Vice President, Equity and Diversity/EEO, Legal Counsel, or other offices.