HCM Reports

Reports and Queries Manual

There are several reports available to departments to assist with time entry, funding, fringe benefits and employee leave.  The HE Pay Register 2 is to be run during time entry and is used as a proofing tool.  During this time, if something appears incorrect, there is still time to contact the Human Resources/Payroll Office to make changes prior to the final pay confirm. HE Actuals and the Gross and Fringe reports should be run on or after payday for that pay period.  If they are run prior to that time, there is the possibility of data inaccuracy.

Detailed Breakdown of available reports:

HE Pay Register 2
Navigator>Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USA >Pay Period Reports>HE Pay Register 2

Available to departments to review their payroll, prior to pay confirm. It shows regular hours, OT hours and leave hours, etc .  Department personnel are strongly encouraged to review a proof at least once during time entry. Any discrepancies should be reported immediately to Payroll.

HE Actuals
Navigator> Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USA.Pay Period Reports > HE Actuals Report

Lists the funding sources and accounts for salary and fringe expenses charged to your department. This report is first available on-line two business days before the selected pay day.

Gross and Fringe
Navigator>Payroll for North America >Payroll Distribution >GL Interface Reports>Gross and Fringe Report

Lists the salary and fringe benefits by employee by funding source for your department. This report does show retros. It can be run very broadly (run for all the information for an entire department) or can be narrowed down to specific fund(s) and/or project(s). This report is first available one business day before the selected pay day.

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