Psychology Club

The purpose of the North Dakota State University Psychology Club is to stimulate professional growth through a variety of activities. In the last few years, the activities have included a trip to the Neuroscience Research Institute in Fargo, a variety of speakers such as licensed Clinical Psychologists and career counselors to give information on resumes, CVs, and future job opportunities for those with Psychology majors. Please e-mail one of the officers with the topics you'd like to hear about.

We also like to keep a balanced life by offering fun activities throughout the year. In the past, these have ranged from just getting together for pizza and soda, to participating in the homecoming parade, and bowling. The executive committee is open to suggestions for future fun activities.

The club is designed for undergraduate psychology majors, but you do not need to be a member or psychology major to attend.

Psychology Club Dates

All meetings will be held in Minard Hall, Room 230 at 5:00pm


Psychology Club Officers

Sierra Preabt, President

Lauren Hornbacher, Vice President

Camryn Anderson, Secretary

Brooke Narum, Treasurer

Katie Wissman, Faculty Advisor

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