White Pine

Abigail Knutson

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What the future of these pine forests look like, and the Ecosytem they live in

       We need to be better stewards of our trees and forests, especially our white pines. More the 98% of the native white pines have been destroyed, some by diseases but mostly by consumers. These trees our part of our nation’s history, they need to be protect just the same as we protect our historic building and monuments. We also need to be able to preserve our naturel forests for the future generations of this nation.

Above is a great picture of White Pines in there natural element. A couple enjoying White Pines in the outdoors. Here is a picture of a matuewhite pine with a couple younger ones.


1) White pines organization: http://www.whitepines.org/

2) The Department of Natural recourses: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/treecare/whitepine/index.html