Seashore Paspalum
by Jamie Schultz
Seashore Paspalum
Seashore Paspalum is a growing trend in the turf grass industry. It is an incredible hardy warm season grass that can be established in environments that other grasses such as Bermuda cannot survive. The ability to survive on a wide range of water conditions, including high salinity conditions is making Paspalum an increasingly used grass in areas where drought or flooding may occur, and also areas where fresh water is limited.
The use of Paspalum started in the 1980’s, and was further advanced with the formation of the University of Georgia breeding program in 1993. The cultivars that have been produced through this program and others like it have been widely accepted in the turf grass industry and are being found even in areas that are suitable for other turf grass species. Paspalums excellent wear tolerance and ability to recover is allowing this species to quickly become a favorite of the warm season turf grasses.