
By: Stephen Kessler
Plant Science 211, NDSU, Fall 2011

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Types of Tomatoes

There are many different kinds of tomatoes and they are Beefsteak, Beefmaster, Better Boy, Big Beef, Celebrity, Jet Star, Lemon Boy, Pink Girl, Roma, Sun Gold, Early Girl, Sweet Hundred, Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Grape and Cherry.

According to ( the 8 most popular tomato plants to grow are Sun Gold, Big Beef, Early Girl, Celebrity, Sweet Hundred, Better Boy, Brandywine and Cherokee Purple.


Sun Gold Big Beef Early Girl Celebrity
Small orange cherry tomato 50% of all tomato's are Big Beef! Usually around 4oz in size Disease resistant is good and grown because of that


Sweet Hundred Better Boy Brandywine Cherokee Purple
Cherry tomato that will prodcue hundreds of tomatoes 12-16oz tomatoes and are disease resistant as well Known for its amazing flavor and is the tomato with the best flavor of all Has an earthly flavor and popular to the Native American culture