Moths of North Dakota

Identification key to the Sphingidae of North Dakota


13 (6').        Hindwings mostly orange or scarlet.                                                   go to 14


Orange hindwing of Darapsa myron.     Red hindwing of Erinnyis ello


13'.           Hindwings variable, never with orange or red (rarely with pink).          go to 15


     Brown hindwing of Paratrea plebeja.     waved hindwing pattern of Ceratomia undulosa     Striped hindwing pattern of Manduca quinquemaculatus.    

Banded hindwing pattern of Sphinx vashti.     Bi-colored hindwing of Sphinx luscitiosa.     Pink hindwing of Eumorpha achemon.


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Last updated: 09/08/03

Gerald M. Fauske
Research Specialist
202 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105

Published by the Department of Entomology 

Prospective students may schedule a visit by calling 1-800-488-NDSU.