Moths of North Dakota

Identification key to the Sphingidae of North Dakota


14 (13).        Outer margin of forewing sinuate.                   Genus Darapsa, go to 14a 


Sinuate forewing margin of Darapsa myron     Picture of Darapsa myron showing typical wing pattern for the genus.


14'.               Outer margin of forewing convex and weakly crenulate.            

  Genus Erinnyis, go to 14b                        


     Forewing of male Erinnyis obscura showing convex, weakly crenulate outer margin.     Picture of male Erinnyis ello shoing typical wing pattern for the genus.


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Last updated: 09/08/03

Gerald M. Fauske
Research Specialist
202 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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