Common name: Plain schizura Hodges #:
Identification: Rfw 12.75 mm, gray, overlaid with white scales. Reniform spot is represented by a black bar. Members
of the genus Schizura are distinguished from the related genera Heterocampa and Lochmaeus by the
evenly narrow Rs cell above the discal cell on the hw and from members
of the Notodontinae in having the male antennae pectinate with the
pectinations abruptly shorter at about 2/3 the antennal length, the
apical 1/3 is simple.
Similar species: 7917,
7998, 8005,
Distribution: southern Canada and temperate United States east of the
east of the Great Plains, more common southward.
Hosts: Larval feed on Poplar-
Populus, and Willow- Salix.

ND. Ransom Co. 1.5 mi. W. Mcleod.
T134N R53W Sec. 22. 12- VI- 1992.
Hg/UV lt. G. Fauske.

Forewing of Schizura
apicalis showing reniform spot represented by a black bar.