Common name: Variable oakleaf
caterpillar Hodges #:
Identification: Rfw 19.0 mm, appears gray but is an admixture of
gray and white scales. Worn specimens progressively paler with the
p.m. area below reniform almost whitish, transverse lines obscured and reniform spot (contrasting black in fresh specimens) with a whitish
center or mostly white.. Eighths sternite of male with caudal margin
cleft and having a pair of minute pits, not visible without removing
scales. Members of the genus Lochmaeus
can be separated from Heterocampa by having the terminal line
reduced to a terminal spot in each wing cell, between veins rather than
accenting veins. Members
of the genera Heterocampa and Lochmaeus can be separated
from Schizure by the constricted Rs cell on the hw.
Similar species: 7920,
7995, 7999,
8005, 9382.
Distribution: southern Canada and United States east of the
Hosts: Larval feed on Oaks- Quercus.
ND. Cass Co., Fargo. 4- VI- 1962.
R. W. Poole

Larvae pics from Forestry Images, and
authors as follows- Top courtesy of Lacy Hyche, Auburn University;
Middle: courtesy of Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University; Bottom:
courtesy of Gerald Lemhard, Louisiana State University.