Common name: Arge tiger moth.
Hodges #: 8199 as Apantesis arge (Drury).
Identification: Rfw 18.8 mm, fw costa above radiaus stem wholly
white, veins marked with white, hw
white, shaded with pink/yellow, with few black spots.
Similar species: 8111,
8144, 8169,
8171.1, 8198, 9374, 10670.
Distribution: southern Canada and New England states,
southwestward to California.
Hosts: wide variety of hosts including Opuntia spp.– prickly
pear cactus, Vitis spp– grapes, and Helianthus spp– sunflowers.
Note: See-- The
Grammia complex in North Dakota.

ND, Cass Co., Fargo, 24- VII-
1963. coll. D. G. Aarhus.
Fw showing broad pale costa.