Common name: listed here as ‘Western
leopard moth.’
Hodges #: 8144 as Turuptiana maculata (Packard).
Identification: Rfw 18.5 mm, pro-coxae clothed in gray
hair-scales and having a woolly appearance, meta-tibiae with a single
pair of spurs, abdomen lacks orange markings.
Similar species: 8199,
8137, 8136,
8134, 8133, 8132,
Distribution: western edge of Great Plains, Rocky Mt. states, Great Basin,
and southward into northern Mexico.
Hosts: reported from a number of widespread plants: Stellaria
media L.-- common chickweed, Polygonum-- knotweed,
Taraxicum-- dandelion, and Plantago-- plantain.

ND, Golden Valley Co. Trotters, 17-
vi- 1963. coll. J. & P. Quinnell.
Hindleg showing one pair of short spurs. |