IPTM - Integrated
Pesticide Transport Modeling
Pesticide leaching, runoff, and erosion lead to contamination of both subsurface and surface water systems. An integrated pesticide transport modeling system (IPTM) is developed to examine the fate of non-point source pesticides in surface and subsurface environments and evaluate the leaching potential of pesticide residues to groundwater and the potential threat of pesticide emissions to adjacent rivers/streams. A time-continuous and space-discrete semidiscrete method is developed for solving the transport models and various solution schemes are incorporated in the modeling system. Currently, two Windows-based modeling software packages: IPTM-S and IPTM-CS are available.
Windows-Based Software (for Windows):
IPTM-CS (latest version: V2.00, March 2, 2012)
Software: available via e-mail xuefeng.chu@ndsu.edu
IPTM-S (latest version: V2.00, March 2, 2012)
Software: available via e-mail xuefeng.chu@ndsu.edu
Selected Publications
Chu, Xuefeng. 2012. Improved box model for simulating pesticide transport in the vadose zone with dispersive flux through the boundary layer. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 138(5):531-541.
Chu, Xuefeng. 2010. Pesticide occurrence and distribution in the subsurface environment. Earth Science Frontiers. 17(6):31-38.
Chu, Xuefeng and M. A. Marino. 2007. IPTM-CS: a Windows-based integrated pesticide transport model for a canopy-soil system. Environmental Modelling & Software. 22(9):1316-1327.
Chu, Xuefeng and M. A. Marino. 2007. Space and time issues in comparison and evaluation of different pesticide transport models in the vadose zone, p1-9. In: Restoring Our Natural Habitat, Proceedings of the 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, edited by Karen C. Kabbes. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Chu, Xuefeng and M. A. Marino. 2006. Improved compartmental modeling and application to three-phase contaminant transport in unsaturated porous media. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 132(2):211-219.
Chu, Xuefeng. 2005. Pesticide Occurrence and Distribution in Relation to Use. In: Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water, Vol. 3, edited by J.H. Lehr and J. Keeley. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. p655-657.
Chu, Xuefeng and M. A. Marino. 2004. Semidiscrete pesticide transport modeling and application. Journal of Hydrology. 285(1-4):19-40.
Chu, Xuefeng. 2002. Integrated Pesticide Transport Modeling in Surface and Subsurface Environments, Ph.D. Dissertation, Hydrologic Sciences, University of California, Davis.
Chu, Xuefeng, Basagaoglu, H., M. A. Marino and R. E. Volker. 2000. Aldicarb transport in the subsurface environment: Comparison of models. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE 126(2):121-129.
Software Manual
Chu, Xuefeng. 2012. IPTM-CS: Integrated Pesticide Transport Model for a Coupled Canopy-Soil System, Version 2.00, User's Manual, North Dakota State University, 139 pages.
Chu, Xuefeng. 2012. IPTM-S: Integrated Pesticide Transport Model for Soils, Version 2.00, User's Manual,
North Dakota State University, 130 pages.
Orignal Funding Sources
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (Grant No. R819658) Center for Ecological Health Research at the University of California, Davis
UC Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Program