Watershed Hydrologic
This research involves development of a new algorithm for simulating
infiltration into a layered soil profile of arbitrary initial water
distributions under unsteady rainfall, and partitioning the rainfall
input into infiltration and rainfall excess. The model is further
extended for continuous hydrologic modeling for complex rainfall
patterns that include both wet time periods with unsteady rainfall and
dry time periods without rainfall. Particularly, a Windows-based
hydrologic modeling software package HYDROL-INF is developed. The
software also incorporates some useful hydrologic tools and the
widely-used SCS-CN model.
Windows-Based Software (for Windows):
HYDROL-INF: (Latest Version: V6.10, November 10, 2011)
Software: available via e-mail
Selected Publications
Chu, Xuefeng and R. Rediske. 2012. Modeling metal and sediment transport in a stream-wetland system. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 138(2):152-163.
Fu, Xiang, Xuefeng Chu, and Guangming Tan. 2010. Sensitivity analysis for an infiltration-runoff model with parameter uncertainty. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE. 15(9):671-679.
Chu, Xuefeng and A. D. Steinman. 2009. Event and continuous hydrologic modeling with HEC-HMS. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE. 135(1):119-124.
Steinman, A., Xuefeng Chu, and M. Ogdahl. 2009. Spatial and temporal variability of internal and external phosphorus loads in an urbanizing watershed. Aquatic Ecology. 43(1):1-18.
Chu, Xuefeng and A. D. Steinman. 2008. Continuous hydrologic modeling improved by intensive event data, p1-11. In: Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008 Ahupua'a, edited by R. W. Bakcock, Jr. and R. Walton. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Steinman, A.D., R. Rediske, R. Denning, L. Nemeth, Xuefeng Chu, D. Uzarski, B. Biddanda, and M. Luttenton. 2006. An environmental assessment of an impacted, urbanized watershed: the Mona Lake Watershed, Michigan. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 166:117-144.
Chu, Xuefeng and M.A. Marino. 2005. Determination of ponding condition and infiltration into layered soils under unsteady rainfall. Journal of Hydrology, 313(3-4):195-207.
Chu, Xuefeng and M. A. Marino. 2006. Simulation of infiltration and surface runoff - A Windows-based hydrologic modeling system HYDROL-INF, p1-8. In: Examining the Confluence of Environmental and Water Concerns, Proceedings of the 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, edited by Randall Graham. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Software Manual
Chu, Xuefeng. 2011. HYDROL-INF Modeling System - Hydrologic Research and Teaching Software, Version 6.10, User's Manual, North Dakota State University, 78 pages.