Dr. Gang Shen

Associate Professor
Mathematical Statistics, Asymptotics Theory, Bayesian Statistics, Change-Point Problems, Computational
Email: Gang.Shen@ndsu.edu
Office: 334 M Minard Hall
- Ph.D. (2009)-Purdue University
Courses Taught
- STAT 330: Introductory Statistics
- STAT 4/662: Intro to Experimental Design
- STAT 4/664: Discrete Data Analysis
- STAT 4/671: Introduction to R
- STAT 4/672: Time Series
- STAT 774: Generalized Linear Models
- STAT 786: Advanced Inference
- STAT 851: Bayesian Statistical Inference
Selected Publications
Liu, X., Gao, D. & Shen, G. (2020). Conditional Random Fields with LASSO to classifying the barley genes based on expression level affected by the fungal infection. Journal of Computational Biology, Nov 2020, 1581-1594
Shen, G. & Xu, H. (2013). On the isotonic change-point problem; Journal of nonparametric statistics, 25, 4, 923-937
Melnykov, V. & Shen, G. (2013). Clustering through empirical likelihood ratio; Computational statistics & data analysis, 62, 1-10
Shen, G. (2011), On Periodically Isotonic Climate Change, Stat & Prob Letters, 81, 1627-1634
Shen, G. and Ghosh, J. (2011), Developing a New BIC for Detecting Change-points, Journal of Statistical Planning & Inference, 141, 1436-1447