The Transition and Access Program (TAP) at North Dakota State University is an inclusive college program for students with disabilities. In an inclusive and supportive environment, TAP students attend college courses with students who don’t have disabilities, earn meaningful credentials, gain employment and learn independent living and social skills. Tap’s goal is to make the dream of college a reality for students with intellectual disabilities and create quality futures for these individuals to live and work in their communities.  


Who Qualifies?

Students who have a federally identified intellectual disability and are between the ages of 18- 26 can apply.

Program Benefits

The TAP Program features a person- centered plan focused on self- determination, including:

Exploration: Take courses with typical peers in their area of interest

Education: Receive targeted instruction in a diverse range of courses

Independent Living: Live in on-campus housing and learn living skills

Health and Wellness: Receive nutrition and exercise mentors

Leisure Skills/Community: Social mentors provide support with participation in on-campus activities

Employment: Work experience and internships to promote job skills



Tap Certificate

Most students will participate in a non-degree-seeking program, which means our students will graduate with a College-to-Career certificate. Some students may take credit-bearing classes and work toward a full degree once they graduate from the TAP program.

Living on Campus

We encourage all of our students to consider living on campus because it is an integral part of being a college student. Our program is holistically designed and living on campus is intentionally an important part of the design.

Application Packet Request

Click here to request an application packet for the NDSU Transition and Access (TAP) program.


Contact Us

If you have and questions, feel free to contact us.


Phone: (701) 231-1805 

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