The mission of VALOR (Veterans Alliance Organization) is to improve the campus climate for student veterans and enhance their success.
The term "student veterans" includes veterans, active-duty service members, reservists, and members of the National Guard.
VALOR focuses its efforts on:
- Maintaining a network of supportive allies to student veterans;
- Guiding and supporting efforts focused on student veteran recruitment, enrollment, persistence, and completion;
- Providing information and resources to promote understanding of student veterans;
- Cataloging resources available to assist student veterans at the campus, community, state, and federal level; and,
- Helping student veterans translate their life experiences to success in their studies and future endeavors.
All staff, faculty, and administrators can become VALOR Allies. VALOR materials and training opportunities provide:
- An understanding of military culture;
- An understanding of potential issues student veterans face; and,
- An awareness of the resources available to student veterans on and off our campus.
VALOR is provided guidance and oversight by its Advisory Board. VALOR is also represented on the Steering Committee for NDSU's Business Partner role within the Fargo community of the ND Cares network.