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Cooperative Leadership Training Program


The Cooperative Leadership Training Program provides three levels of education for cooperative board of directors and management. The three levels are designed to build on the knowledge gained in the previous program. Specific program topics for each level may change based upon participant needs and current issues. 

Capstone 2024 - Board & CEO Succession Planning
July 24-25, 2024
Holiday Inn, Detroit Lakes, MN


Day One 7.24.24

Attracting and retaining cooperative board members
Using associate board members and nominating committees
Onboarding a new board member
Why are you looking for a new CEO/GM and why it matters?
What are you looking for in a new CEO/GM and why it matters
Case Study: Part I

Social (families welcome)

Day Two 7.25.24

Case Study: Part II
Where do we start with recruiting?
What resources are available?
Evaluating your choice of CEO/GM and why it matters
Panel Discussion
Results and Success Discussion                                    
