NDSU College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources Scholarships
The College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources (CAFSNR) at North Dakota State University provides one of the best college-based scholarship programs in the Upper Midwest. Colleges of Agriculture around the country frequently have excellent scholarship programs because our alumni and the industries we support understand the value of investing in students.
Many scholarships range from $500 to $2,000 per year. Some students receive one or more scholarships every year of their college career, depending on the student’s academic performance. The college selectively matches several of its scholarships for gifted incoming freshmen with scholarships administered by the Office of Admission.
Funds* for scholarships are provided by individuals, companies, foundations and organizations that are aware of the commitment a student must make to complete a college education. They established these scholarships to encourage students who are enrolled in CAFSNR to pursue academic excellence. Scholarship recipients and donors are honored at a recognition event held on campus each fall.
The scholarships and awards are divided into three categories:
- CAFSNR General Scholarships — awarded to students enrolled in any major or program of study in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources
- Program Scholarships — awarded through academic units in the college to students enrolled in their specific academic programs
- University Scholarships — awarded through the Office of Admission and the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to students enrolled in CAFSNR
*All funds must be deposited in the NDSU Foundation in order to be recognized as part of the scholarship program. They act as custodian of the funds and distribute them as authorized by CAFSNR.
You are eligible to be considered for a CAFSNR scholarship if you are enrolled as a student in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources according to the Office of Registration and Records. Eligibility and awards are contingent on sustained enrollment in the college as a full-time student in good standing through the semester(s) during which the scholarships are disbursed.
Most scholarships are awarded based on scholastic merit, while a few are awarded based on a combination of scholastic merit and financial need. Some scholarships have specific eligibility qualifications. These qualifications are listed with the scholarships on this website.
Application procedures for entering freshmen
Submit the NDSU Freshman Scholarship Application, complete your admission to NDSU and declare a major in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources by February 1. Use your NDSU Username and Passphrase to log in to the online application.
Application procedures for current NDSU students
Submit the online NDSU Scholarship Application. Use your NDSU Username and Passphrase to log in. The application will be available beginning November 1. The deadline for submission is March 1.
Scholarship recipients are selected based on criteria established by donors for each scholarship. Most incoming freshman scholarships are awarded competitively on the basis of scholastic achievement. Current and transfer students are awarded scholarships primarily on the basis of academic performance.
The CAFSNR Scholarship Committee selects recipients for the general scholarships. Program scholarships are awarded through selection procedures established by each academic unit. University scholarships are awarded through the Office of Admission and Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
If you are a high school student, check with your counselor for information regarding additional scholarships that may be available to you through civic organizations, foundations, professional organizations and corporations. Once enrolled at NDSU, you also may be eligible for external regional and national scholarships and awards.
College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources
NDSU Dept. 2200
PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Phone: (701) 231-8790
Email: ndsu.cafsnr@ndsu.edu
For more information about the university, campus tours or application procedures, contact the Office of Admission.
General Scholarships

These scholarships are available to students enrolled in any major or program of study in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources, unless otherwise specified. The recipients of these scholarships are selected by the college scholarship committee based on criteria established by each scholarship donor. Most scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement; some have additional criteria. Contact the Dean’s Office for specific details about individual scholarships.
- Agassiz Club Agriculture Scholarship – preference to student in agribusiness, ag economics, or crop and weed sciences
- Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources Scholarship – full-time students pursuing a major in CAFSNR
- Marion K. and Byron D. Bobb Agriculture Scholarship – sophomore or junior; cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above; graduate of a high school with graduating class less than 125; financial need
- Ron and Judy Bock Agricultural Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior with financial need; GPA of 3.0 or above
- Vernon C. Botsford Scholarship – preference to resident of Walsh or Grand Forks County
- Ralph and Constance Brakke Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior with financial need; GPA of 3.0 or above
- Ernest and Ruth Buchholz Scholarship – undergraduate with at least 60 credits and 3.0 GPA; first preference to graduate of Central Cass High School (Casselton, ND); second preference to graduate of ND high school class of 200 students or less; preference to student active in Christian student organization or volunteer in Christian opportunities
- Tom Campbell Agricultural Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior; member of faith-based campus group
- Cass-Clay Creamery Scholarship – preference to rural student from company’s trade area
- Cavendish Farms Scholarship – preference to student involved in agriculture-related activities (e.g. 4-H and FFA); requires submission of 300-word essay
- CHS Foundation Scholarship – U.S. citizen; sophomore, junior or senior who plans to pursue a career in production agriculture or agriculture business; preference to students demonstrating interest in ag-based cooperatives
- CNH Industrial Agricultural Scholarship – sophomore or junior with financial need; GPA of 2.75 or above
- Cutler-Maetzold Agriculture Scholarship – undergraduate with financial need
- Walter A. Davidson Memorial Scholarship – financial need
- Lawrence and Ruby Dick and John and Susie Bergh Scholarship – student who has demonstrated local and/or regional civic involvement and consistent scholastic achievement
- Palmer and Myrtrice Dilland Scholarship – GPA of 3.0 or above; student from northwest ND with preference to Williams or Burke County; preference to animal science, range science, soil science or agribusiness majors
- Frank E. Dilse Memorial Scholarship – junior or senior with GPA of 3.0 or above; ND resident; preference to academic majors aligned with farming/agronomy
- Clarence and Florence Erickson Scholarship – junior or senior with GPA of 3.0 or above; native of ND with preference to resident of Benson or Eddy County
- Duane and Joan Erickson Scholarship – junior or senior with GPA of 3.0 or above; preference to native of ND, SD or MN
- Clark Ewen Memorial Scholarship – GPA of 3.5 or above; preference to resident of Traill County in ND; two letters of recommendation required
- Neal H. and Deborah K. Fisher Family Scholarship in Agriculture - student pursuing a major in CAFSNR
- Gamma Sigma Delta Scholarship – awarded to Gamma Sigma Delta Distinguished Student in Agriculture
- Michael and Melinda Goodman-Sorenson Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior; preference to agricultural education major
- Ken and Kristi Grafton Study Abroad Scholarship – junior or senior participating in a study abroad program; GPA of 3.0 or above
- Gulleson Family Agriculture Scholarship - sophomore, junior, or senior pursuing a major in CAFSNR with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or above
- Bill and Geri Harbeke Agricultural Scholarship – sophomore at time of disbursement; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; preference to member of Alpha Gamma Rho or other student organizations/activities
- Beth E. and Rodney C. Hastings Scholarship - student pursuing a major in CAFSNR
- Arlon G. Hazen Memorial Scholarship – student pursuing a major in CAFSNR; financial need may be considered
- Clay E. Hector Memorial Scholarship – student pursuing a major in CAFSNR; ND resident; financial need may be considered
- Clark and Jean Jenkins Scholarship – U.S. citizen with GPA of 3.0 or above; preference to student in crop and weed sciences, animal science, soil science, agribusiness, ag systems management or veterinary technology, who plans to remain in ND; involved in student organizations/activities
- Vernon O. Johnson Scholarship – North Dakota student with first preference to students from McKenzie County; second preference from western ND
- Jim and Joyce Johnston Agriculture Scholarship – graduate of a ND high school with preference to Midway Schools in Forest River, ND
- Gregory Lardy and Lynae Hansen-Lardy Scholarship – preference to student majoring in animal science or microbiology with leadership potential and involvement in campus activities
- Patrick Leier Memorial Scholarship – junior or senior; financial need may be considered
- Dr. Magan Lewis Scholarship – female graduate student in CAFSNR
- Leon and Nettie Mason Family Scholarship – rotates between CAFSNR and College of Arts and Sciences; junior or senior with GPA of 3.0 or above
- George Mikkelson Memorial Scholarship – North Dakota Farm Bureau affiliation
- Ron and Sue Nichols Agriculture Scholarship – full-time sophomore, junior or senior majoring in an agriculture, food systems or natural resources program in CAFSNR
- Gerald R. Nitz Agriculture Scholarship – graduate of a ND high school with preference to student from McHenry County
- North Dakota Soybean Council Graduate Student Scholarship – M.S. or Ph.D. student in research-based program of study that enhances soybean quality and production; active in ag-related campus/community activities
- North Dakota Soybean Council Undergraduate Scholarship – sophomore or junior with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above, who is majoring in crop and weed sciences, soil science, food science, animal science, agribusiness or ag economics; must demonstrate a tie to soybeans through a class, class project or employment/internship
- North Dakota Soybean Growers Association Scholarship – child or grandchild of North Dakota Soybean Growers Association member; must have completed 90 or more credits at time of disbursement
- Wilfred A. Plath Memorial Scholarship – upperclassman with North Dakota Farm Bureau affiliation
- Sherman and Loretta Quanbeck Scholarship – ND resident ; GPA of 3.25 or above
- Riebe Family Scholarship – junior or senior who is a ND resident, with preference to Stutsman County; farm family background
- Ripplinger Family Scholarship – sophomore or junior with financial need; graduate of a ND high school with preference to Ramsey or Benson County; preference for active reserve, National Guard member or active military duty
- Olwin Riveland Alpha Zeta Scholarship - student enrolled in CAFSNR
- Rocelia Rud Scholarship - student enrolled in CAFSNR
- Schluchter Family Scholarship – graduate of a ND high school with first preference to Pembina County and second preference to Nelson or Walsh County
- Harry and Lillie Seidel Agriculture Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior with cumulative GPA of 2.75 to 3.25; financial need; graduate of a ND high school
- Gil Stafne Memorial Scholarship – upperclassman with North Dakota Farm Bureau affiliation
- George Strum Memorial Scholarship – full-time sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student pursuing a degree within the Departments of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Animal Sciences, Microbiological Sciences, Plant Pathology, or Plant Sciences; GPA of 3.0 or above; preference to graduates of a ND or MN high school
- Thilmony Family Scholarship – graduate of a ND high school with first preference to Barnes County; second preference to Cass, Steele, Griggs, Stutsman, LaMoure or Ransom County
- Mervin and Constance Tuntland Scholarship - student enrolled in CAFSNR
- Andrew and Connie Vanvig Endowed Scholarship – financial need; preference to ag economics or agribusiness major from western ND
- W. K. and Joyce Voorhees Memorial Scholarship – graduate of a ND high school with preference to Morton, Mountrail, Pembina, Stark or Steele County
- Vernon E. Wendlandt Scholarship – involvement in agricultural research; financial need
- Senator Milton R. Young Scholarship – native of ND; interest in production and marketing of ND crops, preferably wheat
NOTE: Scholarships and amounts may vary from year to year. The lists of scholarships were accurate at the time of publication. Information about any changes, including new or discontinued scholarships, is available from the CAFSNR Dean’s Office.
Program Scholarships
Many scholarships are available to students enrolled in specific academic programs. Recipients are selected upon the recommendation of the appropriate departmental scholarship committee based on criteria established by each scholarship donor. Contact the CAFSNR Dean’s Office for specific details about individual scholarships.

(Undergraduate and graduate programs)
- AgCountry Farm Credit Services Center for Risk and Trade Scholarship Endowment – student pursuing an agricultural degree that utilizes coursework from the Center for Trading and Risk
- AgriBank Farm Credit Center for Risk and Trade Scholarship Endowment – student pursuing an agricultural degree that utilizes coursework from the Center for Trading and Risk
- Clifford M. and Ruth M. Altermatt Scholarship – full-time student pursuing a master’s degree in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; preference to students with financial need from ND, MN, SD, or IA
- Dr. Donald and Joanne Anderson Graduate Fellowship Endowment – student pursuing a graduate degree in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; U.S. citizen
- Mark and Mary Andrews Scholarship* – graduate student in a CAFSNR program; native of ND (rotates among departments)
Philip E. Austin Study Abroad Scholarship – junior, senior or graduate student pursuing a degree in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; participating in study abroad program; GPA of 3.5 or above - Frank Bain Agriculture Graduate Scholarship* – graduate student pursuing a degree in CAFSNR
- Harold H. and Doris E. Berg Memorial Economics Scholarship – junior majoring in economics; GPA of 3.0 or above; preference to student with interest in credit/financial management
- Dan and Leigh Bernhardson Agriculture Scholarship - sophomore, junior or senior majoring in agricultural economics
- CoBank/Ryan Mayer Memorial Scholarship – junior or senior with a major in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; GPA of 3.0 or above; preference to member of Newman Center or FarmHouse Fraternity
- John Lee Coulter Memorial Scholarship – freshman pursuing a degree in agribusiness or agricultural economics; financial need
- Rex Warfield Cox Memorial Scholarship – freshman, sophomore, junior, first semester senior, and first year graduate student with a major or program of study in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics
- Richard Crockett Memorial Scholarship – student majoring in agribusiness or agricultural economics; preference to a native of ND
- Roland W. and Leona M. Currie Endowed Scholarship – junior or senior majoring in agribusiness or agricultural economics; preference to student planning to pursue a master’s degree in economics or business administration; financial need
- Bruce Dahl Memorial Risk and Trade Graduate Scholarship – graduate student pursuing an agricultural degree that utilizes course work from the Center for Trading and Risk
- G. Leonard and Pam Dalsted Memorial Scholarship – full-time undergraduate student majoring in agribusiness or agricultural economics; financial need; graduated from a ND high school
- Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics Scholarship – student pursuing a major within the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics
- Duncan Family Scholarship Endowment for Risk and Trade – graduate student with program of study in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; preference to emphasis in financial risk management within the Center for Trading and Risk
- Lester Erickson and H. W. Herbison Memorial Scholarship Endowment – undergraduate student majoring in agribusiness or agricultural economics; financial need
- Farm Credit Services Lloyd K. Well Memorial Scholarship – sophomore pursuing a major in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; ND resident or from a ND farm family; interested in agricultural finance; GPA of 2.5 or above
- Emil Gregory Family Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior pursuing a major in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; GPA of 3.0 or above; ND resident for five or more years; employee of ND cooperative for at least three months (need not be current employee)
- Cole R. Gustafson Memorial Scholarship – undergraduate student pursuing major in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; priority to student pursuing work, research for-credit, or for-credit internship focusing on bio-energy or bio-production, renewable energy or other emerging technologies that offer new opportunities for ag industry and rural communities
- Jim and Jody Hauge Family Scholarship Endowment – junior at time of disbursement; financial need; GPA of 2.5 or above; demonstrated desire for career in production agriculture and interest in community activities
- Del Helgeson Memorial Scholarship Endowment – student majoring in agribusiness, agricultural economics, or economics; preference to student with ND agricultural background; financial need
- Perry V. Hemphill Memorial Scholarship – agribusiness or agricultural economics major; financial need may be considered
- Thor and Doris Hertsgaard Scholarship – incoming freshman intending to major in agribusiness or agricultural economics
- Jim and Gwen Howe Scholarship Endowment – junior, senior or graduate student pursuing a degree in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics that utilizes coursework from the Center for Trading and Risk; preference to ND students
- Dale Ihry Memorial Scholarship Endowment – sophomore, junior or senior pursuing a major in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; financial need
- Randy and Becky Kraft Agricultural Economics Scholarship – sophomore majoring in agribusiness or agricultural economics; GPA of 3.0 or above
- Vernon C. Lee Memorial Scholarship* – freshman, sophomore or junior majoring in agribusiness, agricultural economics, or agricultural systems management
- L. D. Loftsgard Memorial Scholarship – agribusiness or agricultural economics major
- Blake Miller Memorial Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior majoring in agribusiness or agricultural economics; GPA of 3.0 or above
- Dennis and Maureen Ming Family Scholarship Endowment – full-time undergraduate student majoring in agricultural economics; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; graduate of a ND high school
- North Dakota Farm Credit Services Scholarship – junior pursuing a major in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics with an interest in agricultural finance
- North Dakota Wheat Commission Undergraduate Scholarship – junior or senior majoring in agribusiness or agricultural economics; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; interest in grain marketing
- Peter A. and Kathleen H. Nygaard Memorial Scholarship Endowment – junior, senior or graduate student pursuing a degree in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics that utilizes coursework from the Center for Trading and Risk; preference to students from western ND with preference to McKenzie and Williams County
- Joe Peltier Memorial Scholarship Endowment – junior, senior or graduate student pursuing a degree in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics that utilizes coursework from the Center for Trading and Risk; preference to ND students
- Steve and Jeanette Reimers Memorial Agricultural Scholarship – full-time student majoring in agribusiness or agricultural economics
- Dr. Donald and Carol Scott Memorial Scholarship Endowment – incoming freshman intending to major in agricultural economics
- Donald Senechal Scholarship Endowment – student pursuing a major in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; GPA of 3.0 or above; ND resident with preference to McHenry County
- Theodore S. Thorfinnson Memorial Scholarship – junior pursuing a major in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics; ND resident with an interest in farm management
- President John H. Worst Economics Scholarship – undergraduate student majoring in economics
An asterisk (*) following the name of the scholarship indicates that this scholarship is available to students in more than one department or college.
NOTE: Scholarships and amounts may vary from year to year. The lists of scholarships were accurate at the time of publication. Information about any changes, including new or discontinued scholarships, is available from the CAFSNR Dean’s Office.
(Undergraduate and graduate programs)
- Mark and Mary Andrews Scholarship* – graduate student in a CAFSNR program; native of ND
- Frank Bain Agriculture Graduate Scholarship* – graduate student pursuing a degree in CAFSNR
- Marion C. Benson Memorial Scholarship – student majoring in family and consumer sciences education; financial need
- Dale Carpentier Agriculture Education Program Endowment Scholarship – student majoring in agricultural education; financial need; preference to graduate of a ND high school
- Ernest L. DeAlton Memorial Scholarship – student majoring in agricultural education; ND resident
- Lenora M. DeAlton Memorial Scholarship – student majoring in agricultural education; ND resident who plans on teaching agricultural education in ND; active in FFA in high school
- Department of Agricultural and Family Education Scholarship – student pursuing a major within the Department of Agricultural and Family Education
- Christine Finlayson Memorial Scholarship – junior, senior or graduate student enrolled in family and consumer sciences education
- Dr. Evelyn Morrow Lebedeff Home Economics Memorial Scholarship – full-time sophomore, junior or senior majoring in family and consumer sciences education; first preference to students from cities in Cass County, ND, excluding Fargo; second preference to students from Fargo; third preference to international students
- Majore Lovering Memorial Scholarship/North Dakota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences – junior or senior majoring in family and consumer sciences education; preference to members of the Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
- Lundstrom Family Memorial Scholarship – full-time undergraduate student majoring in family and consumer sciences education; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; preference to graduate of a ND high school
- Mel and Sharyl Maier Scholarship – student majoring in agricultural education or family and consumer sciences education; current or past participant in FFA or 4-H; financial need
- Elsie Stark Martin Scholarship – student majoring in family and consumer sciences education; financial need
- Jeannine Knote Peterson and Earl B. Peterson Family Scholarship – full-time junior or senior majoring in family and consumer sciences education; financial need; involved in campus volunteer activities; preference to graduate of a ND high school with total enrollment of 500 or less
- Rice Family Scholarship* – incoming freshman majoring in industrial engineering and management or agricultural education with preference to a graduate of Williston High School in ND
- Sandy Shelton Memorial Scholarship – students entering the senior year, majoring in family and consumer sciences education; preference given to graduates of West Fargo High School in ND and student with dependents
- Mabell Whelan Memorial Scholarship – student majoring in family and consumer sciences education
An asterisk (*) following the name of the scholarship indicates that this scholarship is available to students in more than one department or college.
NOTE: Scholarships and amounts may vary from year to year. The lists of scholarships were accurate at the time of publication. Information about any changes, including new or discontinued scholarships, is available from the CAFSNR Dean’s Office.
(Undergraduate and graduate programs)
- Mark and Mary Andrews Scholarship* – graduate student in a CAFSNR program; native of ND
- Frank Bain Agriculture Graduate Scholarship* – graduate student pursuing a degree in CAFSNR
- Bruce J. Beilke Memorial Scholarship – junior or senior majoring in animal science; financial need may be considered
- Paul Berg Scholarship Endowment* – top four members of NDSU Judging Team at Meat Animal Evaluation Contest
- Orville and Nora Bergan Livestock Evaluation Scholarship* – incoming freshman or current student who is participating on an NDSU livestock, meat judging and/or evaluation team; preference to student from Dunn County in ND
- M.L. Buchanan Scholarship – full-time junior or senior majoring in animal science and planning to pursue an M.S. or Ph.D. in an animal science discipline
- James Carr Little I Award* – top junior livestock judge at Little International
- Thomas M. Cook Animal Science Scholarship – undergraduate student pursuing a major within the Department of Animal Sciences; financial need
- Dr. Larry Corah Outstanding Animal Sciences Graduate Scholarship – graduate student pursuing a degree within the Department of Animal Sciences; GPA of 3.5 or above; excellence in research and teaching activities
- Russ and Helen Danielson Scholarship – student pursuing a major within the Department of Animal Sciences; active involvement in Saddle and Sirloin Club and livestock or meats judging programs
- Department of Animal Sciences Academic Quadrathlon Scholarship – undergraduate student participating in Academic Quadrathlon
- Department of Animal Sciences Scholarship – undergraduate student majoring in animal science, equine science, or veterinary technology
- George R. Fisher Memorial Scholarship – student majoring in animal science with an interest in dairy science
- Michael Guenthner Memorial Scholarship* – undergraduate majoring in animal science, equine science, veterinary technology, range emphasis in natural resources management, or a graduate student in animal science or range science; cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above; financial need
- Eugene R. Hinsz Animal Husbandry Scholarship Endowment – sophomore, junior or senior with GPA of 2.75 or above; financial need; graduate of a ND high school or ND resident who graduated from high school in MN, MT or SD; demonstrated interest and intent to pursue a career in animal husbandry after completion of B.S. degree
- Palmer and Sheryl Holden Animal Science Scholarship – full-time undergraduate student pursuing a major within the Department of Animal Sciences; participating in a CAFSNR study abroad program with preference to an independent study program; preference to student demonstrating financial need and U.S. citizen or permanent resident who has not traveled internationally
- Institute for Feed Education and Research and Equipment Manufacture's Committee Scholarship – student pursuing a major within the Department of Animal Sciences with an interest in feed industry or animal nutrition
- Verlin K. and Eloise E. Johnson Scholarship* – CAFSNR undergraduate student with an interest in livestock or meats judging; GPA of 2.0 or above
- Verlin and Eloise Johnson Animal Science Livestock and Meats Judging Program Endowment* – one award to incoming student with demonstrated interest in livestock and/or meats judging through 4-H or FFA competition; one award to student who has completed one semester of livestock and/or meats evaluation; must participate in the junior livestock and/or meats judging team; GPA of 2.0 or above
- Kenneth and Rachel Kellogg Family Scholarship Endowment* – sophomore, junior or senior pursuing a major in CAFSNR with preference to animal science major or pursuing veterinary medicine; graduate of a ND high school with preference to Dickey County; preference to student with financial need
- Kempton Cooperative Shipping Association Scholarship* – student pursuing a major in CAFSNR with preference to a major in the Department of Animal Sciences; preference to a senior from Larimore, Northwood, Unity, Fordville or Finley-Sharon school districts in ND
- Truman Kingsley Family Scholarship* – student pursuing a major in CAFSNR and assisting with livestock judging teams
- Malina Ellingson Larson Memorial Scholarship – undergraduate majoring in veterinary technology; GPA of 2.5 or above; preference to student from rural background
- Leland Red Angus Ranch Scholarship Endowment – sophomore, junior or senior majoring in animal science with GPA of 2.75 or above; demonstrated involvement in student activities and interest in beef cattle industry
- Merle Light Memorial Scholarship – junior or senior majoring in animal science; ND resident; GPA of 3.0 or above
- Rick and Janna Lutovsky Little International Scholarship* – students named NDSU Little International Queen or Ambassador, Little International Grand Champion Showman or Little International FFA High Livestock Judger
- Martin J. Marchello and Barbara Handy-Marchello Animal Sciences Scholarship – full-time sophomore, junior or senior pursuing a major within the Department of Animal Sciences with preference to interest in meat science; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
- Peter B. Molitor Scholarship* – student majoring in animal science, equine science, microbiology or veterinary technology, with an interest in veterinary medicine
- Arthur and Elvera Moyer Family Scholarship – student pursuing a major within the Department of Animal Sciences with interest in sheep production and/or sheep management
- John W. Murphy Endowed Scholarship* – full-time sophomore, junior or senior majoring in agriculture communication or animal science with animal husbandry focus; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; preference to student from Kidder County in ND; financial need
- North Dakota Beef Commission Scholarship* – full-time student; member of the Meat Judging Team or Meat Animal Evaluation Team scoring in the top four based on placement at the American Royal Meat Judging Competition or Meat Animal Evaluation Contest; must complete beef industry’s Masters of Beef Advocacy Online Spokesperson Training Program prior to disbursement
- North Dakota Livestock Endowment Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship* – sophomore, junior or senior pursuing a major in CAFSNR with interest in livestock production; GPA of 3.0 or above
- North Dakota Livestock Endowment Foundation Arlon G. Hazen Memorial Scholarship* – graduate student pursuing a degree in CAFSNR with interest in livestock production research; GPA of 3.0 or above
- B. O. “Chub” and Mabel Orton Scholarship* – senior majoring in animal science or natural resources management with range science emphasis; preference to native of ND
- Gertrude Ostby Memorial Scholarship for Women in Veterinary Science* – full-time junior or senior woman pursuing a career in veterinary science (animal science, equine science, microbiology or veterinary technology major); financial need
- Petcetera Veterinary Endowment Scholarship* – junior majoring in animal science, microbiology or veterinary technology; cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above; preference to a graduate of ND high school and/or has plans for a career in the veterinary profession
- Rase Family Scholarship* – student pursuing a major in CAFSNR who has completed at least one year in agricultural sciences and/or animal science; demonstrated interest in improvement of western ND beef as a profession; priority to students from ND with first preference to western ND
Orville J. Stanley Little I Award* – member of junior meats judging team; outstanding ability in meats judging; high scholastic ability; financial need - Jim and Judy Tilton Scholarship Endowment – junior or senior majoring in animal science or equine science; GPA of 3.5 or above; preference to student involved in extracurricular activities sponsored by Department of Animal Sciences
- Roger and Ruth Van Prooien Scholarship* – student majoring in microbiology or animal science who is pursuing a vocation in veterinary science
- Harold E. Vettel Memorial Scholarship – freshman majoring in animal science; GPA of 2.0 or above; ND resident
- Leonard Wulf Memorial Scholarship – undergraduates majoring in animal science, equine science, or veterinary technology
An asterisk (*) following the name of the scholarship indicates that this scholarship is available to students in more than one department or college.
NOTE: Scholarships and amounts may vary from year to year. The lists of scholarships were accurate at the time of publication. Information about any changes, including new or discontinued scholarships, is available from the CAFSNR Dean’s Office.
(Undergraduate and graduate programs)
- Mark and Mary Andrews Scholarship* – graduate student in a CAFSNR program; native of ND
- Frank Bain Agriculture Graduate Scholarship* – graduate student pursuing a degree in CAFSNR
- Beverley Baldwin Microbiology Scholarship Endowment – student pursuing a major within the Department of Microbiological Sciences
- Brent Bartsch DVM Memorial Scholarship Endowment – student pursuing a major within the Department of Microbiological Sciences and meeting requirements of a pre-veterinary program
- Biotechnology Scholarship – student with a biotechnology major or minor
- Sidney Bjornson Memorial Scholarship – student pursuing studies in pre-veterinary science
- Dr. Mary Cook Bromel Scholarship – non-traditional undergraduate student majoring in microbiology
- Department of Microbiological Sciences Scholarship – student pursuing a major within the Department of Microbiological Sciences
- John and Elma Doubly Scholarship – student pursuing a major within the Department of Microbiological Sciences
- Berdell Funke Microbiological Sciences Scholarship Endowment – full-time senior pursuing a major within the Department of Microbiological Sciences; application submission required
- Janice Haggart Microbiology Scholarship Endowment– full-time undergraduate pursuing a major within the Department of Microbiological Sciences; preference to student intending to complete a Master of Public Health degree at NDSU
- Agnes A. Kongslie Microbiological Sciences Scholarship – undergraduate or graduate student pursuing a degree within the Department of Microbiological Sciences
- Axel O. Kongslie Microbiological Sciences Scholarship – undergraduate or graduate student pursuing a degree within the Department of Microbiological Sciences
- Francis LaPlante Soil Health Scholarship* – graduate student in the School of Natural Resource Sciences or Department of Microbiological Sciences; preference to research focus on soil health and/or enhancing soil microbiology
- Peter B. Molitor Scholarship* – student majoring in animal science, equine science, microbiology or veterinary technology, with an interest in veterinary medicine
- Gertrude Ostby Memorial Scholarship for Women in Veterinary Science* – full-time junior or senior woman pursuing a career in veterinary science (animal science, equine science, microbiology or veterinary technology major); financial need
- Petcetera Veterinary Endowment Scholarship* – junior majoring in animal science, microbiology or veterinary technology; cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above; preference to graduate of a ND high school and/or has plans for a career in the veterinary profession
- Roger and Ruth Van Prooien Scholarship* – student majoring in microbiology or animal science who is pursuing a vocation in veterinary science
An asterisk (*) following the name of the scholarship indicates that this scholarship is available to students in more than one department or college.
NOTE: Scholarships and amounts may vary from year to year. The lists of scholarships were accurate at the time of publication. Information about any changes, including new or discontinued scholarships, is available from the CAFSNR Dean’s Office.
(Undergraduate and graduate programs)
- Mark and Mary Andrews Scholarship* – graduate student in a CAFSNR program; native of ND
- Frank Bain Agriculture Graduate Scholarship* – graduate student pursuing a degree in CAFSNR
- Beatty-Munro Award in Entomology – undergraduate in entomology (ENT# track in natural resources management major) or graduate student in entomology; conducting research on arthropods and being advised or co-advised by a faculty member in the School of Natural Resource Sciences
- R. M. Davis Family Memorial Scholarship – full-time undergraduate student pursuing a major within the School of Natural Resource Sciences with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; financial need
- Clarence and Cora Engberg Scholarship – undergraduate in soil science (SSCI# or NRGPE# track in natural resources management major) or graduate student in soil science; financial need
- Roy A. Erickson Scholarship – graduate student in soil science who has been recognized for academic achievement and professional involvement in soil science; if a qualified graduate student is not available, the award may go to an undergraduate in soil science (SSCI# or NRGPE# track in natural resources management major)
- Roy Erickson Herbarium Scholarship* – undergraduate or graduate student with interest in herbarium activities
- Adrian C. Fox Conservation Endowment Scholarship – graduate student in range science or natural resources management
- Herbert O. and Doris M. Gliege Memorial Scholarship – full-time undergraduate in the School of Natural Resource Sciences with preference to soil science (SSCI# or NRGPE# track in natural resources management major); preference to graduate of a ND high school
- Dr. Harold Goetz Scholarship – undergraduate in range science (RNGE# or RNLP# track in natural resources management major)
- Michael Guenthner Memorial Scholarship* – undergraduate in range science (RNGE# or RNLP# track in natural resources management major), animal science, equine science, veterinary technology, or a graduate student in animal science or range science; cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above; financial need
- Ryan Havelka Memorial Scholarship – undergraduate in range science (RNGE# or RNLP# track in natural resources management major)
- Dr. Robert A. Henson Agronomy Research Scholarship* – graduate student in plant science, plant pathology, soil science or entomology; cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above
- Ben Hoag Memorial Scholarship – undergraduate in soil science (SSCI# or NRGPE# track in natural resources management major) or graduate student in soil science
- Brett Hovde Memorial Natural Resources Management Scholarship – undergraduate or graduate student in natural resources management
- Dr. Charles E. Kellogg Scholarship – undergraduate in soil science (SSCI# or NRGPE# track in natural resources management) or graduate student in soil science
- Matt Kirby Memorial Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior in range science (RNGE# or RNLP# track in natural resources management major); cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above
- Lannoye Conservation Scholarship – junior or senior in soil science (SCI# or NRGPE# track in natural resources management major); resident of ND; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
- Francis LaPlante Soil Health Scholarship* – graduate student in the School of Natural Resource Sciences or Department of Microbiological Sciences; preference to research focus on soil health and/or enhancing soil microbiology
- North Dakota Agricultural Association Scholarship* (Berglund, Dietrich, Kenna, Rongen) – undergraduate in soil science (SSCI# or NRGPE# track in natural resources management) or crop and weed sciences
- Northern Great Plains Society for Range Management Sharpe Memorial Scholarship – undergraduate in range science (RNGE# or RNLP# track in natural resources management major)
- Enoch B. and Ruth E. Norum Scholarship – junior or senior in soil science (SSCI# or NRGPE# track in natural resources management) or graduate student in soil science; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
- Raymond V. Olson Scholarship – junior or senior in soil science (SSCI# or NRGPE# track in natural resources management major); native of ND; financial need
- B. O. “Chub” and Mabel Orton Scholarship* – senior at time of disbursement; undergraduate in range science (RNGE# or RNLP# track in natural resources management) or animal science; preference to native of ND
- Leonard and Donna Richards Agriculture Scholarship* – sophomore, junior or senior majoring in crop and weed sciences, ag systems management, or soil science (SSCI# or NRGPE# track in natural resources management major) and relevant to sugarbeet production; cumulative GPA of 2.7 or above
- Luwbia Aranda Rocha Memorial Scholarship* – graduate student in plant sciences, plant pathology, soil science, horticulture, or cereal science with a degree from University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
- School of Natural Resource Sciences Scholarship – students pursuing a major within the School of Natural Resource Sciences
- Mary C. Schuh Memorial Scholarship – graduate student in soil science with at least one year left in degree program; cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above; preference to student who has not received prior scholarships and has mentored others
- A. D. Stoesz Scholarship* – junior or senior in range science (RNGE# or RNLP# track in natural resources management) or horticulture and urban agriculture
- Michael D. Sweeney Scholarship in Pedology – full-time graduate student in soil science or natural resources management with emphasis on inherent soil properties, soil survey or classification, soil landscape relationships or soil hydrology/soil water interactions
Ralph A. Young Memorial Scholarship – undergraduate in soil science (SSCI# or NRGPE# track in natural resources management)
# Tracks in the Natural Resources Management major:
ENT – Entomology
NRGPE – Water, Habitat and Environmental Management
RNGE – Rangeland Ecology
RNLP – Rangeland Livestock Production
SSCI – Soil Science
An asterisk (*) following the name of the scholarship indicates that this scholarship is available to students in more than one department or college.
NOTE: Scholarships and amounts may vary from year to year. The lists of scholarships were accurate at the time of publication. Information about any changes, including new or discontinued scholarships, is available from the CAFSNR Dean’s Office.
(Graduate program)
- Mark and Mary Andrews Scholarship* – graduate student in a CAFSNR program; native of ND
- Frank Bain Agriculture Graduate Scholarship* – graduate student pursuing a degree in CAFSNR
- Dr. Robert A. Henson Agronomy Research Scholarship* – graduate student in plant science, plant pathology, soil science or entomology; cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above
- H. Arthur Lamey Plant Pathology Scholarship – graduate student in the Department of Plant Pathology; preference to Ph.D. student
- Luwbia Aranda Rocha Memorial Scholarship* – graduate student in plant sciences, plant pathology, soil science, horticulture, or cereal science with a degree from University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
An asterisk (*) following the name of the scholarship indicates that this scholarship is available to students in more than one department or college.
NOTE: Scholarships and amounts may vary from year to year. The lists of scholarships were accurate at the time of publication. Information about any changes, including new or discontinued scholarships, is available from the CAFSNR Dean’s Office.
(Undergraduate and graduate programs)
- Mark and Mary Andrews Scholarship* – graduate student in a CAFSNR program; native of ND
- Arthur Companies/Joseph B. Burgum Memorial Scholarship – full-time crop and weed sciences major with cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above
- Frank Bain Agriculture Graduate Scholarship* – graduate student pursuing a degree in CAFSNR
- Harry C. Baker Memorial Scholarship – undergraduate majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture; ND resident
- Drs. Duane R. and Patricia T. Berglund Graduate Endowed Scholarship – full-time graduate student pursuing an M.S. or Ph.D. in cereal science or plant sciences
- Dr. Marvin Boerboom Agriculture Scholarship – full-time sophomore, junior or senior in CAFSNR with preference to crop and weed sciences major; preference to graduate of a high school in Lyon, Renville or Douglas County in MN or Cass County in ND
- H. L. Bolley Graduate Scholarship* – full-time U.S. or Canadian graduate student whose M.S. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation focuses on wheat research
- John Breker Crop Science Scholarship – junior or senior crop and weed sciences major with cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above
- Burchill Farms, Inc. Scholarship* – undergraduate majoring in crop and weed sciences or ag systems management with cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above; preference to students from ND
- Jack F. Carter Plant Sciences Graduate Scholastic and Leadership Scholarship – M.S. or Ph.D. student who has completed two academic semesters in plant science, horticulture or cereal science; outstanding scholastic and leadership qualities
- Jack F. Carter Plant Sciences Undergraduate Scholastic and Leadership Scholarship – junior or senior majoring in crop and weed sciences or horticulture and urban agriculture; cumulative GPA of 2.75 or above; outstanding scholarship and leadership qualities
- Larry J. Chaput Horticultural Scholarship – undergraduate student majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture who graduated from high school in ND, SD, MN or MT
- DakotaMB Scholarship – cereal science graduate student with cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above; preference to student with research work focused on fundamental aspects of grain or similar commodities as it relates to end use
- James Dawson Scholarship – crop and weed sciences major who is interested in crop research or production
- Department of Plant Sciences Scholarship – undergraduate student majoring in crop and weed sciences, food science, or horticulture and urban agriculture
- Russell and Anna Duncan Scholarship* – student from ND enrolled in CAFSNR with preference to students from durum growing areas of ND
- Travis C. Engstrom Scholarship – junior or senior crop and weed sciences major from ND; active member of the NDSU Agronomy Club; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
- Fick Endowed Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior crop and weed sciences major from ND or MN with cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; preference to students with a rural, farming background
- Gustav N. Geiszler Memorial Scholarship – graduate student in the Department of Plant Sciences with an interest in weed science
- Neal and Terry Goerger Crop and Weed Sciences Scholarship – full-time crop and weed sciences major with cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; graduate of a high school in ND, SD or MN; preference to students involved in extracurricular activities
- Harry A. Graves Scholarship – undergraduate student majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture
- Margaret Haedt Memorial Scholarship in Horticulture – sophomore, junior or senior majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture
- Richard Hebert Scholarship – second-semester freshman, sophomore, junior or senior in the Department of Plant Sciences with preference to crop and weed sciences major; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; financial need
- Dr. Robert A. Henson Agronomy Research Scholarship* – graduate student in plant science, plant pathology, soil science or entomology; cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above
- Horticulture and Forestry Club Scholarship* – undergraduate student with cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above who is an active club member; one scholarship for a horticulture and urban agriculture major and one scholarship for a non-major
- Horticulture and Forestry Faculty and Staff Scholarship – full-time sophomore, junior or senior majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture with cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; demonstrated leadership and career goal orientation in a horticultural discipline
- Hovland-Jensen Scholarship – undergraduate student majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture
- Prem Jauhar Crop Science Research Award* – Ph.D. student with academic and research accomplishments in the field of crop science relating to plant breeding, genetics, or biotechnology
- Lars A. Jensen Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior majoring in crop and weed sciences
- Ruth M. Johnson Scholarship – undergraduate majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture; financial need
- Sam Kuhl Scholarship – undergraduate majoring in food science
- John H. Longwell Jr. Memorial Scholarship – graduate student interested in plant breeding
- The Mainline Potato Company, Inc., Scholarship – undergraduate in CAFSNR with preference to horticulture and urban agriculture major; financial need
- Lisa (Verwest) and Mark Martens Agricultural Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior majoring in crop and weed sciences with cumulative GPA of 3.25 or above; graduate of a ND high school with preference to Steele, Griggs, Walsh or Mountrail County; preference to students who work full- or part-time or are involved in student activities
- George Meagher Scholarship – junior or senior pursuing a major in Department of Plant Sciences with an interest in plant breeding
- Cal Messersmith Plant Sciences Undergraduate Teaching Scholarship* – junior or senior who qualifies for the Messersmith Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship through the Department of Plant Sciences
- Dwain W. Meyer Scholarship – awarded to one full-time undergraduate majoring in crop and weed sciences, and one graduate student pursuing a degree in plant science
- Devin Miller Memorial Scholarship – plant science graduate student interested in plant breeding of agronomic crops
- Minnesota Institute of Food Technologists Scholarship – undergraduate majoring in food science or graduate student in cereal science; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; must meet MN IFT scholarship program requirements
- Charles and Linda Moses Presidential Graduate Fellowship – plant science graduate student entering second year of study with cumulative GPA of 3.25 or above in graduate course work; interested in plant science research
- Dr. John D. and Donna Nalewaja Graduate Scholarship – full-time student pursuing a major in crop and weed sciences or a graduate degree in plant science with an emphasis in weed science
- Louie Nicoli Memorial Scholarship – full-time junior majoring in crop and weed sciences who has a career interest in farming; preference to financial need and student from Barnes County in ND
- North Dakota Agricultural Association Scholarship* (Berglund, Dietrich, Kenna, Rongen) – student majoring in crop and weed sciences or natural resources management with emphasis in soil science
- Henry R. and Corinne (Foley) Peterson Horticulture Scholarship – undergraduate majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture
- H. Donald Piepkorn Scholarship – undergraduate majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture; preference to students with financial need who have been active in 4-H and/or FFA
- Rahr Malting Scholarship – cereal science graduate student with preference to a research project focused on malting and brewing
- Red River Commodities Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior majoring in food science
- Leonard and Donna Richards Agriculture Scholarship* – sophomore, junior or senior majoring in crop and weed sciences, ag systems management, or natural resources management with emphasis in soil science and relevant to sugarbeet production; cumulative GPA of 2.7 or above
- Bob Roach Memorial Scholarship – full-time undergraduate pursuing a major in the Department of Plant Sciences, whose parents are producers of certified seed in ND or MN
- Luwbia Aranda Rocha Memorial Scholarship* – graduate student in plant science, plant pathology, soil science, horticulture, or cereal science with a degree from University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
- Len Sibbitt Scholarship – graduate student in cereal science
- Glenn S. Smith International Graduate Fellowship – international graduate student enrolled in plant science with an interest in plant breeding
- John F. Soper Plant Sciences Scholarship – graduate student in plant science; preference to student with an interest in plant breeding
- Loren P. Stangeland Memorial Scholarship* – undergraduate student enrolled in CAFSNR who has completed PLSC 425/625 (potato science course); preference to crop and weed sciences major
- Theodore E. and Marguerite Stoa Freshman Scholarship – crop and weed sciences major attaining the highest academic average during their freshman year
- A. D. Stoesz Scholarship* – junior or senior majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture or natural resource management with emphasis in range science
- Aimee Stockman Thapa Horticulture Scholarship – undergraduate majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture with GPA of 3.0 or above; financial need
- Randy and Michelle Thompson Agriculture Scholarship – full-time sophomore, junior or senior pursuing a major in the Department of Plant Sciences with preference to crop and weed sciences; preference to graduate of high school in ND or MN
- W. Allan and H. Lucile Watt Scholarship – junior or senior majoring in horticulture and urban agriculture with cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above; ND resident; financial need
An asterisk (*) following the name of the scholarship indicates that this scholarship is available to students in more than one department or college.
NOTE: Scholarships and amounts may vary from year to year. The lists of scholarships were accurate at the time of publication. Information about any changes, including new or discontinued scholarships, is available from the CAFSNR Dean’s Office.
(Undergraduate programs)
- Clarence and Irene Becker ABEN Scholarship* – student pursuing a major within the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- A. R. Bon Memorial Scholarship* – sophomore or junior majoring in agricultural systems management, precision agriculture, or agricultural and biosystems engineering; ND resident; GPA of 3.0 or above
- E. L. Bon Memorial Scholarship* – undergraduate majoring in agricultural systems management, precision agriculture, or agricultural and biosystems engineering; GPA of 3.0 or above
- F. A. Bon Memorial Scholarship* – undergraduate with at least 26 credits in agricultural systems management, precision agriculture, or agricultural and biosystems engineering; GPA of 3.0 or above; preference to students interested in business, business development or minoring in business related areas such as agribusiness, business administration, accounting
- M. Bon Memorial Scholarship* – full-time undergraduate in agricultural systems management, precision agriculture, or agricultural and biosystems engineering; GPA of 2.5 or above
- Burchill Farms, Inc. Scholarship* – undergraduate in agricultural systems management or crop and weed sciences; cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above; preference to students from ND
- Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Scholarship* – undergraduate majoring in agricultural systems management, precision agriculture, or agricultural and biosystems engineering
- Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Freshman Scholarship* – incoming freshman majoring in precision agriculture or agricultural and biosystems engineering
- Robert Fehr Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Endowed Scholarship* – sophomore, junior, or senior pursuing a major within the Department of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering; financial need
- Scott and Mary Handy Family Scholarship* – undergraduate in agricultural systems management or agricultural and biosystems engineering; financial need; preference to student from ND or MN; preference to student participating in program offered through NDSU School of Music
- Holmen-Breuer Memorial Scholarship* – junior majoring in agricultural systems management or agricultural and biosystems engineering; scholastic achievement, college activities, and financial need are considered
- Marvin and Doris Jensen Scholarship* – student in agricultural systems management, precision agriculture, or agricultural and biosystems engineering; taking courses leading to a major in water resources engineering and minor in soils, environmental or atmospheric science; preference to ND or MN resident
- Vernon C. Lee Memorial Scholarship* – sophomore or junior majoring in agricultural systems management or agricultural economics
- Lundstrom Family Scholarship* – incoming freshman or current undergraduate majoring in agricultural systems management, precision agriculture, or agricultural and biosystems engineering; preference to students from Steele County in ND
- Microsoft TechSpark Scholarship for Precision Agriculture – internship-based scholarship for students majoring in precision agriculture or taking precision agriculture classes
- Walter and Pearl Nyquist Memorial Scholarship* – undergraduate majoring in agricultural systems management or agricultural and biosystems engineering; financial need
- Dr. George and Patti Pratt Scholarship* – undergraduate majoring in agricultural systems management or agricultural and biosystems engineering; financial need
- Bill and Ann (Wick) Promersberger Scholarship* – sophomore, junior or senior majoring in agricultural systems management or agricultural and biosystems engineering
- Leonard and Donna Richards Agriculture Scholarship* – sophomore, junior or senior majoring in crop and weed sciences, ag systems management, or natural resources management with emphasis in soil science and relevant to sugarbeet production; cumulative GPA of 2.7 or above
- Elton Solseng Scholarship – sophomore, junior or senior majoring in precision agriculture technology and management; cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above; financial need; preference to students who are involved in the Bison Antique Tractor Club or Agricultural Technology Expo
- Earl and Dorothy Stegman Endowed Scholarship* – undergraduate majoring in agricultural systems management, precision agriculture, or agricultural and biosystems engineering; GPA of 3.2 or above; financial need; preference to student involved in extracurricular activities or supervised undergraduate research
An asterisk (*) following the name of the scholarship indicates that this scholarship is available to students in more than one department or college.
NOTE: Scholarships and amounts may vary from year to year. The lists of scholarships were accurate at the time of publication. Information about any changes, including new or discontinued scholarships, is available from the CAFSNR Dean’s Office.
University Scholarships

These scholarships are available to students enrolled in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources. Recipients are selected by the Office of Admission or the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships based on criteria established by each scholarship donor.
Information about other university scholarships available to incoming students with a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or above can be found at www.ndsu.edu/admission/financial_aid/first_year_scholarships.
- Ag Dean’s Freshman Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR
- Albin and Emma Anderson Memorial Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR who is from LaMoure or Dickey County in ND; financial need; if no incoming freshman qualifies, awarded to current student meeting same criteria
- Frank Bain Agriculture Undergraduate Scholarship – undergraduate pursuing a major in CAFSNR
- Grace E. Bayliss Memorial Scholarship – incoming freshman majoring in family and consumer sciences education
- Biotechnology and Microbiology Change the World Scholarship – freshman pursuing a major within the Department of Microbiological Sciences
- Stacy and Myron Bjornstad Family Scholarship* – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR or College of Business; ACT score of 22 or above; preference to student whose graduating class was less than 100
- John and Margaret Bollingberg Family Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR; preference to graduate of a high school in Wells, Benson or Foster County in ND; preference to student who received recommendation from high school vocational ag instructor
- Lois Marie Bryson Endowed Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR; cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above; preference to graduate of a high school in ND, MT, SD, MN, IA, Pulaski County in Virginia or Canadian Provinces of Saskatchewan or Manitoba
- Clare and Lisa Carlson Agriculture Scholarship – full-time undergraduate pursuing a major in CAFSNR
- Kent and Jodi Carlson Family Scholarship* – undergraduate student who is a graduate of Killdeer High School in ND; preference to students enrolled in CAFSNR or College of Health and Human Sciences
- CHS Foundation Scholarship – incoming freshmen enrolled in CAFSNR; U.S. citizen or legal resident; preference to student demonstrating interest in ag-based cooperatives or planning to pursue a career in production agriculture or agriculture business
- David and Aileen Askegard Clough Agriculture Scholarship – undergraduate student pursuing a major in CAFSNR; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; graduate of a ND or MN high school with preference to Wells County in ND
- Harry A. and Gladys M. Davis Agricultural Scholarship – incoming student pursuing a major in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; GPA of 3.0 or above; financial need; graduate of a ND high school with preference to Cass, Barnes or Steele County; preference to student who participated in FFA, 4-H or other leadership activities
- Tim and Sandi Dewald Scholarship Endowment – incoming student pursuing a major within CAFSNR
- Dr. William E. Dinusson Memorial Scholarship – student in CAFSNR or College of Arts and Sciences; GPA of 3.0 or above
- David and Terri Beth Dufault Family Agriculture Scholarship – full-time undergraduate pursuing a major in CAFSNR; financial need
- Doug Dulmage Memorial Scholarship – full-time freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR; preference to graduate of a high school in Benson, Towner or Ramsey County in ND
- John and Kim Erickson Agribusiness Scholarship – full-time freshman majoring in agribusiness
- Charles E. Gruman Memorial Agriculture Scholarship – incoming freshman majoring in agricultural economics; cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or above; graduate of a ND high school; preference to student who intends to return to family farm
- Gutenkunst Agricultural Scholarship Endowment – incoming students pursuing a major in animal science, crop and weed sciences, or agribusiness; must have graduate of a high school outside of ND
- Paul Horn Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR
- Hulstrand Family Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR who graduated from a ND high school
- Hunt Family Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR; preference to children or spouses of Hunt Utilities Group LLC employees or to students with an interest in sustainable agriculture
- Alex Lind Memorial Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR; student from Williams County in ND or a graduate of Williston High School; if no incoming freshman qualifies, awarded to current student meeting same criteria
- H. R. Lund Freshman Plant Sciences Scholarship – incoming freshman majoring in crop and weed sciences; preference to graduate of a ND high school
- Donald E. Moum Memorial Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR
- LeRoy M. Nayes Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR; U.S. citizen and current ND resident from the Bismarck area; graduate of a ND high school
- Helen and Elwood R. Nelson Family Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR; GPA of 3.0 or above; student from ND with first preference from Milnor and second preference from Sargent County
- NDSU Academic Scholarship* – incoming freshman from ND demonstrating strong academic achievement and has declared a major in CAFSNR, College of Business, or College of Engineering
- NDSU Cultural Diversity Scholarship* – incoming freshman with GPA of 2.75 or above; incoming transfer students with GPA of 2.0 or above; U.S. citizen or permanent resident; financial need
- Nystuen Family Scholarship* – junior or senior enrolled in CAFSNR, College of Engineering, or College of Health and Human Sciences; graduate of a ND or MN high school; GPA of 2.5 or above; financial need
- Parish Future of Agriculture Scholarship – freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR; financial need
- Glenn A. Peterson Memorial Scholarship – incoming freshman majoring in crop and weed sciences
President’s Agriculture Club Scholarship – incoming freshman pursuing a major in CAFSNR - James R. and Anna S. Quick Agriculture Endowed Scholarship – undergraduate pursuing a major in CAFSNR; graduate of a ND high school with preference to Ramsey County; financial need
- Mabeye Sylla Memorial Scholarship* – graduate student in soil science or agriculture and biosystems engineering; preference to graduate of a high school outside the U.S. with preference to Africa
- Fred R. and Hildegarde M. Taylor Memorial Scholarship Endowment – full-time sophomore, junior or first semester senior majoring in agribusiness, agricultural economics, or family and consumer sciences education; GPA of 3.0 or above; involved in NDSU student organizations and/or community events or organizations
- Ralph and Loanne Thrane Family Scholarship – incoming freshman or current undergraduate enrolled in CAFSNR or majoring in agriculture communication; graduate of Kindred High School in ND
- Michael Uetz Agriculture Scholarship – full-time undergraduate pursuing a major in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics or Department of Animal Sciences; preference to graduate of a high school in Golden Valley County in ND; financial need
An asterisk (*) following the name of the scholarship indicates that this scholarship is available to students in more than one department or college.
NOTE: Scholarships and amounts may vary from year to year. The lists of scholarships were accurate at the time of publication. Information about any changes, including new or discontinued scholarships, is available from the CAFSNR Dean’s Office.