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NDSU College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources Scholarships


The College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources (CAFSNR) at North Dakota State University provides one of the best college-based scholarship programs in the Upper Midwest. Colleges of Agriculture around the country frequently have excellent scholarship programs because our alumni and the industries we support understand the value of investing in students.


Many scholarships range from $500 to $2,000 per year. Some students receive one or more scholarships every year of their college career, depending on the student’s academic performance. The college selectively matches several of its scholarships for gifted incoming freshmen with scholarships administered by the Office of Admission.

Funds* for scholarships are provided by individuals, companies, foundations and organizations that are aware of the commitment a student must make to complete a college education. They established these scholarships to encourage students who are enrolled in CAFSNR to pursue academic excellence. Scholarship recipients and donors are honored at a recognition event held on campus each fall.

The scholarships and awards are divided into three categories:

  • CAFSNR General Scholarships — awarded to students enrolled in any major or program of study in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources
  • Program Scholarships — awarded through academic units in the college to students enrolled in their specific academic programs
  • University Scholarships — awarded through the Office of Admission and the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to students enrolled in CAFSNR

*All funds must be deposited in the NDSU Foundation in order to be recognized as part of the scholarship program. They act as custodian of the funds and distribute them as authorized by CAFSNR.


General Scholarships

three students talking to each other on campus
Photo Credit:
NDSU University Relations

These scholarships are available to students enrolled in any major or program of study in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources, unless otherwise specified. The recipients of these scholarships are selected by the college scholarship committee based on criteria established by each scholarship donor. Most scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement; some have additional criteria. Contact the Dean’s Office for specific details about individual scholarships.

Program Scholarships

Many scholarships are available to students enrolled in specific academic programs. Recipients are selected upon the recommendation of the appropriate departmental scholarship committee based on criteria established by each scholarship donor. Contact the CAFSNR Dean’s Office for specific details about individual scholarships.

NDSU students walking on campus on a sunny day

University Scholarships

gate entrance to NDSU

These scholarships are available to students enrolled in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources. Recipients are selected by the Office of Admission or the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships based on criteria established by each scholarship donor.

Information about other university scholarships available to incoming students with a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or above can be found at

Scholarship News