Page Title

Plant Sciences

Unit Image
Teacher and student taking notes in barley plots
Photo Credit:
NDSU photo


The Department of Plant Sciences at North Dakota State University is a diverse department with regional, national, and world-respected expertise. As part of the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources, the department offers academic programs that prepare students for careers in expanding job markets.

Learn more about the Department



The mission of the Department of Plant Sciences is to:

  • Teach the sciences of plant breeding and genetics, weed science, biotechnology, horticulture, agronomic crop production, turfgrass management, and cereal and food science.
  • Perform basic and applied research to advance the field of crop, weed, horticultural, and cereal and food sciences.
  • Provide information to the public in the form of professional publications, Extension bulletins, and programs. 


The demand for Plant Sciences graduates is high, not only in North Dakota and the region, but throughout the United States and the world. The Department of Plant Sciences provides students with the knowledge, skills and understanding critical for professional success in a changing world.

Undergraduate majors include a B.S. in Crop and Weed Sciences, Food Science, or Horticulture.

Graduate programs include a M.S. in Cereal Science, Horticulture, or Plant Sciences, and a Ph.D. in Cereal Science or Plant Sciences.


Basic and applied research in the plant sciences is extensive and includes small grains, beans, oilseeds, alternative crops, horticulture, forestry, turfgrass, and weed science.

Learn about our Research Programs


Contact Info

Plant Sciences

Mailing address:

NDSU Dept 7670, PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
United States

Physical Address:

Loftsgard Hall 166, NDSU
Fargo, ND 58102