Alumni Hulst in Lab Coat headshot

Alumni spotlight-Hulst

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Alumni Hulst in Lab Coat
Alumni student Logan Hulst in lab coat holding a baby chicken

Name:  Logan Hulst

What was your field of study at NDSU?

•My field of study was Animal Sciences Pre-Vet. NDSU is also a member school to the Midwest Poultry Consortium, and I attended their COE program in 2015 and 2016. 

When did you attend/graduate?

I attended Fall of 2014 to Spring of 2016.

What are you doing nowadays?

I live near Des Moines, Iowa, with my wife, Jeanette, newborn son, George, and our dog, Luna. I first moved down here for a job in the poultry industry back in 2018, and I am currently working for Arm & Hammer’s Specialty Products Division as their US Turkey Sales representative. 

Alumni Hulst family
Alumni student Logan Hulst with wife and dog posing in front of fall foliage.

What is one of your favorite classroom/campus memories?

All of the opportunities to spend time around different varieties of livestock -- sheep, cattle, horses or swine -- was really a great experience. Some of my favorite memories were being able to spend time around them, and learning about them through multiple different options on campus like classes, volunteering at Moos, Ewes and More, or the livestock judging team. 

What did you learn at NDSU that has helped you the most in your career/life?

I learned from the NDSU faculty just how many different routes in animal agriculture there really are out there. I grew up raising chickens for 4-H each summer but never understood what that industry contained for career opportunities. Without NDSU’s help in connecting me with the Midwest Poultry Consortium, I am not sure what I would be doing for work today. Through that program I gained access to the poultry industry where I have spent my entire career. 

If you would like to be featured in an upcoming Alumni Spotlight or know someone you’d like to nominate, please contact Darla White at 701-231-7401 or with the information.