Kiersten BBQ closeup

BBQ Boot Camp offers savory details about delicious meat

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Dr. Travis Hoffman, Extension Sheep Specialist, and Kiersten Gunderson, M.S., Meat Science Ph.D. graduate student, presented BBQ Boot Camp to an inquisitive audience on May 19 at the Fargo-Moorhead International Potluck. They provided insight and discussion on BBQ/grilling methods, seasoning and preparation, and meat retail cut purchasing. 

The FM International Potluck exists to connect people through food and storytelling. It is a platform for people to share stories and learn, as food can serve as a bridge to bring people together from a diverse background of cultures and experiences. Summer is grilling season! To learn more about NDSU Meat Science being in your community, contact Dr. Hoffman at 701-231-BaBa (2222) or

-Dr. Travis Hoffman

BBQ Boot Camp demonstration