Sheep enthusiasts get tour of new meat lab during joint convention
By Travis Hoffman
Associate Professor and Extension Sheep Specialist
The signature producer event for education and camaraderie for NDSU Sheep Extension was hosted in Fargo on Dec. 6-7 with the ND/MN Lamb & Wool Producers Association joint convention. Dr. Travis Hoffman, NDSU Extension Sheep Specialist, coordinated and hosted 100 sheep enthusiasts for a fun, interactive and educational experience.
Friday was highlighted with a tour hosted by Skip Anderson, NDSU shepherd, and multiple speakers at the NDSU Sheep Unit. Travis also showcased our new meat laboratory with a Peltier Complex tour. The evening social featured 12 different lamb dishes for a unique culinary experience to Excite the Palate, and a fundraiser auction.
Key educational outreach convened on Saturday with a panel discussion on precision livestock technologies featuring Drs. Rachel Gibbs, Miranda Meehan and Rex Sun, and moderated by Dr. Guillermo Scaglia. They shared future applications for producers regarding virtual fencing, drones, sheep feed intake monitoring, and thermal imaging for animal health.
Updates were provided for the American Sheep Industry Association and American Lamb Board entities. Further, open discussion of attendees provided insightful input as producers shared their knowledge and experiences for dynamic topics of lamb marketing, producer mentorship and wool value. Eat Lamb, Wear Wool.