Page Title

Annie's Project

Program Image
women sitting in a class
A green logo of a woman and seedling silhoutte reads" Annie's Project Empowering Women in Agriculture"

Annie's Project is a workshop for women on management and decision-making in the complex, dynamic world of agriculture. Annie's Project is designed to empower farm women to be better business partners through a series of education sessions covering the business of farming and ranching.

Farm women have diverse backgrounds, some of which prepare women well for the responsibility of running a farm business. Other farm women come into farming by ways of marrying men who happen to be farmers, or by means of their spouse or family members dying and leaving them in charge.

Being married to a farmer or being a woman in a male dominated business has its challenges. Some women have learned to handle this responsibility very well and are valuable mentors to women who have not had it so easy.

Through Annie's Project, Annie's daughter, Ruth Fleck Hambelton, creator of Annie's Project, takes the skills instilled in her by her mother, and educates farm women. Farm women find answers, strength and friendship in Annie's Project. Farm women grow in confidence, business skills and community prestige.

Other women and men equally skilled, educated and impassioned for the roles of farm women have expanded the program into surrounding states and southern states. Everyone seems to find a piece of Annie in their lives.

Annie’s Project has evolved into a Not for Profit 501 (c) (3) organization. Now called, Annie’s Project Education for Farm Women (APEFW), it has a president,  program administrator and board of directors.  The new structure has enabled the organization work closer with many sponsors to help fund and expand the program throughout the country. It also provides more in-depth training for staff members wishing to become facilitators for this program in their respective states. Its mission, however remains very similar. That is to empower farm and ranch women to become better business partners in their operation.  For further information, visit the national Annie’s Project website.


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Contact Info

Penny Nester
Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
NDSU Extension - Bowman County