1: Emaciated – The cow is extremely emaciated, with no palpable fat detectable over the spinous processes, transverse processes, hip bones or ribs. The tail head and ribs project quite prominently.
2: Poor – The cow still appears somewhat emaciated but the tail head and ribs are less prominent. Individual spinous processes still are rather sharp to the touch, but some tissue cover exists over the dorsal portion of the ribs.
3: Thin – Ribs still are individually identifiable but not quite as sharp to the touch. Obvious palpable fat is along the spine and over the tail head, with some tissue cover over the dorsal portion of the ribs.
4: Borderline – Individual ribs no longer are visually obvious. The spinous processes can be identified individually on palpation but feel rounded rather than sharp. Some fat cover is over the ribs, transverse processes and hip bones.
5: Moderate – The cow has a generally good overall appearance. On palpation, the fat cover over the ribs feels spongy and areas on either side of the tail head have palpable fat cover.
6: High moderate – Firm pressure needs to be applied to feel the spinous processes. A high degree of fat is palpable over the ribs and around the tail head.
7: Good – The cow appears fleshy and obviously carries considerable fat. Very spongy fat cover is over the ribs and around the tail head. In fact, “rounds” or “pones” are beginning to be obvious. Some fat is around the vulva and in the crotch.
8: Fat – The cow very fleshy and over-conditioned. Spinous processes are almost impossible to palpate. The cow has large fat deposits over the ribs, around the tail head and below the vulva. “Rounds” or “pones” are obvious.
9: Extremely fat – The cow is obviously extremely wasty and patchy and looks blocky. The tail head and hips are buried in fatty tissue and “rounds” or “pones” of fat are protruding. Bone structure no longer is visible and barely palpable. The animal’s mobility even might be impaired by large fatty deposits.